Chapter 1: The Red-Head

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Ash, Serena, Clemont, And Bonnie were all walking down back to the Lumiose Gym. Clemont was excited to be back home, but Bonnie was sad that she had to say goodbye to her traveling companions and stay back at the Lumiose Gym. Serena said, "Isn't it a beautiful day! I feel so hap-." but Serena was cut off by Ash yelling "Hey look there's a challenger in your gym Clemont!" Clemont looked at the front etrance and saw a red-haired girl with a side ponytail holding a Marill entering the gym.

Ash muttered "M-Misty...i-is that her!?" Serena said "What was that ash?" blushing a bit "Oh nothing..." Ash said. "Oh ok..." Serena said kinda sad.

"Hey Clemont," Ash said cheerfully like always "Why don't you battle her?" Clemon thought about it for a second and said "Ok. I guess we can before we go."

They all went into the Lumiose Gym and found the challengerthere. They couldn't really see her well but Ash was sure it was Misty. Clemont went to his battling platform while the others sat down. 

"Well. I see your here to challenge me." The red-head looked up and sure enough, it was Misty. "She's so much more beautiful than when we parted ways..." Ash thought. Serena could see the sparkle in Ash's eyes and got jealous but did nothing.

"Yeah," Misty said cheerfully "I'm here for my first gym badge in Kalos! I"m a gym leader back home in Kanto." Clemont looked up surprised "Oh really? My name is Clemont what's yours?" "Misty Waterflower! The Tomboyish Mermaid!" 

Clemont thought for a moment " you by any chance know a guy named Ash Ketchum?"

Misty immediately smiled ear to ear "Oh my gosh! Yes! I traveled with him!" Misty said like she was about to explode with happiness

Clemont pointed up to where Ash was sitting and Misty ran up the stands threw herself into his arms. "Ash! I missed you so much!" Misty blushed a little while saying this. Ash did too.

"Oh. Sorry Serena." Ash said "This is Misty." Misty waved at Serena and said "Hi nice to meet you!" Serena forced a smile and said "You too!"

"Hey," Ash said "How about after this battle we all go back home to Kanto?" Misty nodded rapidly. Everyone else did too.

"Sounds like a date!" Ash said and Misty blushed as Ash also did too. 

Serena wanted to go up and pull Misty away from Ash. "Ash is Mine Misty! Not yours!" Serena thought. "Pika Pi!!" Pikachu said. "How could I forget about you, Pikachu!" Misty said and hugged Pikachu real tight as it jumped into her arms.

"I should go battle now..." Misty said while putting Pikachu down. Misty went down to the battl thing and the judge did the usual.

"Go Magnemite!" Clemont said. A Magnet looking thing popped out of the ball. "Go Corsala!" Misty said, but a Yellow Duck popped out. "Psyduck!" Misty said and got her mallet out, but put it away quickly.

Ash Started laughing "Just like the old times huh Mist?" Ash said. Misty blushed at the nickname. Mist? Misty thought Maybe...He likes me as much as i like I love him! Misty started laughing along with Ash and said "Oh yeah!"

Serena...on the other hand was FURIOUS! Serena wanted to go straight down there and put Misty in her place, but she did nothing because she was right in front of Ash.

Misty returned Psyduck and sent the right pokemon out.

"Magnemite!" Clemont said "Use Thunderbolt!" Magnemite released the electricity "Corsala dodge and use Ice Beam!" 

"Pathetic...she can't win using water types..." Serena thought "Why does Ash think of her as the best trainer in the world..."  

The attack hit the Magnemite and fainted it. "Whoa Mist!" Ash said. "I've gotten stronger Ash."

Clemont sent out a Magneton and let it use Thundershock. It hit Corsala and it went down 'No Corsala!" Misty said "You get a good rest." Misty said and returned Corsala. "Go Politoed!" She said and A Green frog type pokemon came out. "Use Aqua jet!" Misty said

The Magneton got hit but it didn't do much damage. "Discharge!" Clemont said. It hit the Politoed and it went down.

"Politoed!" Misty said and Returned it. "That's it you asked for it!" Misty sent out a Gyarados.

"Whoa!" Both boys said. "Magneton Use Disc-" But Clemont was cut off "Ah ah ah!" Misty said and waved a finger. Misty touched her ponytail-holder. "What?" Ash said. "Gyarados! Mega Evolve!" There was a lot of blinding light and Gyarados came out different, Mega Evolved! 

"Wow Mist! A Mega Gyarados!" Ash said on the edge of his seat. Serena of course was super jealous. "Oh my gosh of course...she has a Mega Gyarados because her team isn't strong enough.!" Serena muttered under her breath. 

"What was that Serena?" Ash asked. "Oh nothing nothing!" Serena fake smiled and nodded.

"Gyarados Dark Pulse!" Misty said. It took the Magneton down in one hit. Clemont returned it. 

"Go Heliolisk!" Clemont said as a yellow dinosaur type thing came out of the Pokeball. "Thunderbolt!" Clemont said as it hit the Gyarados. It dealt half damage. "Gyarados! Hydro Pump!" Misty said. It took the Heliolisk down in one hit.

"Good battle!" They both said as they shook hands. Clemont gave her the (I think) Thunder Badge. 

Ash ran straight down the stands as the other girls closely followed. "That was amazing!" Ash said to Misty and went up and hugged her. They both blushed. As they pulled away Misty and Ash looked into each others eyes and felt a spark. (No pun intended) They blushed even more and Misty whispered. "Ash I ha-" But she was cut off by Serena.

"Well," Serena said as she faked a smile "That was a great battle!" "Uh thanks..." Misty said a little hurt.

A/N: OF COURSE SERENA HAS TO INTERFERE WITH THE FUCKING SHIP DAMMIT SERENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next chapter will come soon tho btw

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