21- Swasan

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Episode 21

Shomi is shocked and afraid that something will happen to swasan. She doesn't want their happy life to be ruined. So she called swara and asked her to come to dutta mansion. Shomi didn't show any nervousness in her voice so swara didn't get any doubt. Swara told sanskar and both got ready and went to Dutta mansion.

Shomi is sitting nervously. Abhay and dida are consoling her not to get tensed. Swasan came inside and saw shomi's state and is shocked. Swara ran to her ma and sat before her in her knees and held her ma's hand and asked,"Ma what happened?? When you called me you were normal right???"

"No shona. I don't want to make you afraid that's why i talked normally but i am not normal."

"What happened ma???"

"Shoru your ma is afraid of Ragini." Hearing this both swasan is confused.

"What??"both said at the same time.

"Shoru actually yesterday your ma and mami had gone to temple but there shekar's shop caught fire and shomi helped him and admitted him in hospital. But see his fate he had lots of burn marks and also he became partial paralytic. Only his left hand is good. His mother-daughter duo didn't care for him. This hurt him and he called shomi today morning and apologized for everything he did with her. Not only that he also said Ragini didn't change she will surely come back to laksh's life and will ruin your life too. So your ma is nervous." Dida said and swara is shocked. She didn't expect that shekar will have this vital accident. She is feeling very sorry for him. But now hee concern is her ma. So she cupped her ma's cheek and said,"Ma don't worry about her. I and Sanskar united after we have gone through a lot. And our love is very strong. We may have some ups and downs in our life but i am sure we won't let it affect our relationship. So you don't worry and we will tackle ragini. Please don't think about that and spoil your health."

Sanskar sat near swara and took shomi's hand and said,"Yes ma. Believe me we both know how the separation would be. So we won't get separated at all. As swara said we may fight in the future but we won't part our ways at all. Bcoz we both can't stay without each other." Sanskar said and shomi became happy. She took both their hands and said,"Okie promise me. Whatever situation comes you both shouldn't part your ways. And also if you both fight then within 10 minutes or take even a day and make yourself calm and both talk with each other and should solve your differences. I don't want swara's life to be same as mine and ma. You both should live together till the end. Promise me." Shomi said and both promised her. Now shomi became happy and hugged both.

"I still can't believe parvatiji and ragini didn't care for shekar at all." Shomi said.

"Shomi that is his fate. I also didn't believe bcoz i thought parvati love her son a lot but no she only loves her prestige not even her grand daughter. She wants to win against us. The enmity is only before her eyes not her son. I pity shekar." Dida too said and swara sided her.

"Ma, shomi i am surprised. You both are worrying for a man who betrayed you. You both are great. Okie i have a solution for your problem. I will talk to the doctors i know in mumbai and will ask whether we can cure shekar." Abhay said.

"Uncle why you are going for mumbai. Rahul papa knows every specialist in Kolkata. I will ask him." Sanskar said and ladies are proud to see both the men. They all know how much both liked shekar. Both were ready to kill him but now both are taking steps to cure him just bcoz they(ladies) are worrying. They are very happy to get these both in their life.

Sanskar here talked to Rahul and rahul in turn talked to the specialist and said to sanskar. Sanskar came to everyone and said,"Rahul papa told me that there is a chance of removing his burn marks with plastic surgery. Actually dadi and ragini told they don't have enough money for plastic surgery. So doctors didn't do it. But his paralysis can't be cured soon. It needs proper care and treatment which is provided in Kerala. So after plastic surgery he should go to Kerala." Sanskar said and everyone nodded their head.

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