8-SwaSan Night Out

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Episode 8

Next day swara wake up from her sleep and turned to her right side and saw sanskar missing. She is shocked and took her mobile to call him but she noticed a message from sanskar and opened it and saw the message,"Swara the maid is downstairs. I have important meeting which i can't neglect but don't worry i will come soon and if u get bored u can go where u want. Driver is outside. U don't need to go down. Just call 9936721055 and order what u want. She will come up and serve u the breakfast. And if maheswari's speak anything harshly just ignore it i will come and see to them." swara smiled seeing the message but she didn't like it as she wanted to work. She can't simply sit in the room either by watching tv or hearing music. She sighed that even her friends weren't in town all went for their vacation. She left a breath out and went to freshen up. As sanskar said swara didn't come out of the room. The maid alone just went upstairs and gave her food. This irked ragini and sujatha.

"Chachi this is the time to show ur mil talent. All the best." ragini provoked sujatha. Sujatha smirked and went upstairs to swasan's room and knocked the door. Swara who is reading a book kept it aside and opened the door only to see sujatha glaring her.

"Aunty what happened??"

"Huh don't act like innocent. Till u come into my son's life he was with me but after u came he became a slave for u. What black magic u did on him??"

"Uff aunty pls stop joking. If i knew black magic then i would have used on u too to keep u in my side. Even i would have done black magic on all the members of this family. Y even i would have done black magic on pm and made him my slave. I won't do it on sanskar and waste the power which i have." swara mocked and sujatha got angry and she raised her hand to slap swara but swara held her hand and stopped her.

"Though u did wrong for me still i have some respect on u. Pls don't make me feel wrong that y i respected u. It's me who should be angry on u for spoiling my life but i am keeping quiet so don't take my silence as my weakness. I am just silent to avoid the problems. U don't like me right then maintain a distance from me i don't have any problem. Unnecessarily don't come and create any tensions for me." saying this swara went inside and closed the door without giving any chance to sujatha to speak. Sujatha felt insulted. Ragini who saw this smirked and went near sujatha and kept a sad face and said,"Chachi i didn't know swara will talk like this. I am sorry chachi bcoz of me you went to talk with her but she insulted u. I am sorry."

"Ragini till now i just wanted her to go away from my son but after she insulted me i want to take a revenge from her. I will just snatch everything from her. I don't want her to be happy in her life."

"Chachi what r u going to do??"

"She is speaking with guts only bcoz sanskar is supporting her. I will snatch sanskar from her and will make my sanakar his mom's son like before."

"Super chachi. Do u have any plan??"

"Ya just wait and see what i am going to do." sujatha said and went from there. Ragini felt happy seeing sujatha's anger. She is confident that swara will fail this time and she will go away from her life and laksh. Thinking this she smirked and went from there.

Sanskar came in the afternoon. He went inside the mansion and the maid whom he appointed came and told him what happened in the morning after he went and how sujatha scolded swara and swara's answer to sujatha. Sanskar kept quiet and went to thoughts. Then he made a decision and asked the servant to go. Then he called someone and talked something. After that he went to his room and saw swara watching tv. He took his clothes and went inside to change. Then he came out and asked swara "Swara u had breakfast??"

"Yes sanskar i had."

"Okie then tell me how was ur morning??" sanskar asked and swara changed her face to boring one and said with a pout,"Very very boring sanskar."

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