4-SwaSan Marriage

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Episode 4

Two days passed. Swara got ready in a simple saree. Shomi and dida too got ready. At that time sanskar came there in car. He went inside and saw swara,shomi and dida. Sanskar is as usual wearing coat,shirt and pant. Swara and sanskar saw each other but didn't talk much. Then everyone went and sat in sanskar's car. Dadi who saw this is confused. But she let it go as she didn't know the danger coming to their way.

Sanskar and everyone reached court. Sahil who is ready there saw them and hugged sanskar. Then everyone went inside and saw some more people standing there. Sanskar went and got blessings from them. Sanskar introduced each other. Showing the people he got blessings he said,"Dida,aunty this is sahil my best best friend while they are his parents Maya Sengupta and Rahul Sengupta. And this is sahil's wife Irene. While these two are their children aishwarya and reyhaan."Saying this sanskar took little angel which is in Irene's hand. Seeing that reyhaan came and started to beat sanskar. Sanskar saw that and said,"Oh hello stop it okie. She is my princess. I will take her anyway."

"U r my dushman. Give my doll to me. She is my doll and ma how many times i told u not to give doll to him. He is very bad. And u Mr. See there are many police here i will complaint them u r kidnapping my doll." reyhaan said this in his sweet tone. He is 4 years while aishu is 2 year. Hearing this sanskar is shocked. Still he didn't give aishu and just teasing reyhaan. Bose family is seeing this with shocked face. Sahil noticed it and said,"Ha ha this is common for us. And they both fight more than this. Before aishu born sanskar and reyhaan are friends. Reyhaan always be in sanskar's arm. But after aishu born reyhaan thought he became big and doesn't allow us to kiss or hug him. And also sanskar got attached to aishu. And reyhaan feels as a brother he should safeguard aishu from others. So he is not letting anyone other than our family members to touch aishu mainly male." hearing this bose family is shocked and at the same time happy to see how he is protective towards his sister. Then everyone called inside. Sanskar gave aishu to Irene and went inside. Then sanskar and swara made to stand together and exchanged the garland. Then sanskar wore mangalsutra around her neck. After that both signed the register and as a witness dida,shomi and sahil parents signed. The marriage is finished and is also registered.

After marriage sahil and his family went to his home while sanskar,swara,dida and shomi sat in sanskar's car and went to bose house. After reaching bose mansion shomi did the rituals and dida and shomi blessed them. Then swara brought her luggage and things.

"Sanskar i know u both did the marriage only for bringing the truth out. Still i want to tell u one thing. Pls take care of shoru and don't leave her any time. I am believing u and sending her with u. Hope u don't disappoint us." dida said.

"Dida i promise u. Swara is my responsibility from this minute. I know the marriage is just a formality but before that swara is my friend and i won't let my friend to suffer. I won't betray ur belief." sanskar said and dida and shomi became happy. Then swasan went from there. As dadi went out she didn't see this.

Sanskar is driving the car and swara is admiring the nature. At that time swara asked sanskar,"Sanskar u told ur sahilji's wife name as Irene. It's a Christian name right??"

"Ya swara their marriage is love marriage and ma,papa accepted it without any compulsion. They are sweet parents. But Irene family opposed it. So ma and papa convinced them with lots of effort and made them agreed. Then they married happily and have two cute beautiful children."

"Wow soo sweet." swara said and Sanskar nodded his head and concentrated in driving while swara started to look outside. Then both reach maheswari mansion. Swara and sanskar both took their luggage(Sanskar was living separately not with maheswari's) and stopped at the entrance. Then sanskar shouted,"Mom,ma" hearing this sound sujatha and ap became happy and went to the entrance only to see swara and sanskar standing with garlands. Both are shocked.

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