Chapter 18

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' Dear Luke, 

I keep trying to tell you that writing to each other won't work. I'm not good at this word-y stuff like you...I try, I swear I do, but I'm not good at communicating I guess. I'm still sorry that you had to leave over Christmas. I didn't think that Rose would ever do something like that and I guess we all needed some time to process. She's getting better though. I had to write a poem about our dream life for English class and it didn't go very well. We were forced to read it in front of the class and they looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't think it sounded crazy. I kinda based it off of you and I, I hope that's alright. I'll put it in the envelope for you to read. Please don't think it's weird. I thought that since you wrote about me that one day, you would find it kinda cute or something. Well, I have to go. I miss you so much Luke. 

near and far, 


I smile too much over the letter and dip my hand into the envelope for her assignment. I don't understand why she would think it's odd, I write about her everyday. It helps to write about someone you love when they're not with you, almost to justify your thoughts. I smile even brighter when I look at the messy handwiritng, proving that she did it late at night, and the lines where she crossed out words, trying to make it sound perfect. 'I want to wake up next to you, eat breakfast with you, get changed with you, play computer games with you, watch movies with you in bed, hold your hand and watch tv, send you cute texts when you're right next to me, buy you gifts, nap together, wear your comfy hoody when I'm cold, look into your eyes, cook for you, walk in the rain with you, snuggle in bed, mess up your hair, kiss you goodnight. But I can't...because you're not here.'

I frown slightly and grab a fresh piece of paper from the notebook next to my bed. 

'Dear Finny, 

That teacher clearly has something wrong with them because that was amazing. Don't let them tell you otherwise, okay? I hope Rosie's doing okay. And you as well, of course. Let me know when we will run away and live in Mexico with two children named Rojo and Moreno because I'm still waiting...Nah no pressure or anything, but I hate that you're there. I hate that you're not happy. I hate that I can't make you as happy anymore. I think of you everyday. They had those little cookies you liked so much in the cafeteria today. I bought a pack and they're sitting on my nght stand right now. I was gonna send them, but I'll probably eat them...sorry? I write about you a lot too, don't worry. If it's considered weird, then we're both insane. Insane together. That sounded cheesy. Okay. 

near and far. <- that's really cheesy by the way, but I'm glad you write it too.

Lucas Xx' 

I sigh, folding the piece of paper and laying it on top in the box in front of me. I placed a sweatshirt, tshirt, and pair of sweatpants in the box after she called me going on and on about how her aunt only likes her to buy nice clothes and the nice clothes aren't comfy. She asked me to send my arms because those are the only things that make her feel at home when they're wrapped around her, so I thought my sweatshirt was close enough. 

Taping up the box, I walk to the front door and place it beside our mailbox for the mailman to pick up at 5. 


I'm sorry its so short but i'm thinking of doing it in this type of letter format I guess. let me know what you guys think.


near and far | hemmingsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara