Chapter 16

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"On behalf of JetBlue Airlines, we hope you had a pleasant flight and a wonderful day, thank you." the high pitched voice says over the intercom system. Now, I'm not one to clap after flights because the pilot is just doing his job, but I couldn't help it. I clapped as loud as I could and I even made sure to thank the crew twice before I got off the plane. 

Even though it was 11:24 p.m. and I'm exhausted from flying, I am so happy. I just can't wait to see my Finns slightly crooked smile and bright eyes. Jeez, I'm starting to sound like one of those over-protective types, calling her 'my Finn' and all, but she is...and I like that. 

I readjust the shoulder strap of my duffle bag and continue on my way towards the exit. Stepping through the doors, the city air greets me with a rather cold welcome. The smell of stale cigerette smoke and gasoline seems oddly soothing. 

"LUCY!" a loud voice calls, disrupting the muted sounds of the city, but it's okay because it's her. 

When I turn to look at her, all my previous worries about her hair or smile or not wanting me anymore disappear from my mind. She still has the glorious smile plastered on her face and messy hair falling past her shoulders. Instead of responding, I just scoop her into my arms and hug her so tight, I'm afraid of hurting her, but I dont let go because I've waited for this for too long. Not wasting the moment, I breathe her in and try to memorize exactly what she smells like. For future months, you know...

"Okay, okay! I missed you too!" she giggles, trying to escape my bear hug. But once again, I don't answer. I just smash my lips to hers hungrily, trying to memorize what she tastes like, how soft her lips feel.

"Luke" she gasps, squirming. "My aunt is in the car."

"Oh shit." I chuckle, wiping the corners of my mouth and straightening my shirt. 

"How was your flight?"

"Does it matter? I've missed you so much." I smile widely. 

"I might have missed you too" she admits, trying to stifle a giggle. 

"Yeah, yeah" I say, slinging my arm around her shoulders and picking up my things, "Whatever you say, baby." I whisper deeply in her ear, earning a shiver. 


After a not-so-awkward, but somewhat awkward car ride back to their house, we finally got there. Once we got there, I was looking forward to one thing - sleep. And even though it might sound odd, I wanted to sleep with her-not sex or anything sexual, I just wanted to have a goodnights sleep with her silently wrapped around me. 

So, as we lie there in her bed which I guessed was bought by her aunt due to its large size, I couldn't help feeling completely whole and content. 

"Hey Luke?" I hear her whisper in a sleepy voice.


"I've missed you more than anything in the world."

"Oh, Finn," I start, turning to face her and placing a hand on her cheek, "that's impossible because I missed you more.". 

I hear her chuckle softly and feel her head fit into the crook of my neck. And as I doze off to sleep, I'm unsure, but I swear that I heard her call me a liar. 


Hey! Sorry this was so short, but I felt bad for waiting so long for the last update so here's a gift I guess hahahaha. Dont forget to comment!

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