Chapter 5

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Scampering out of my room, I am greeted by a broken vase and hole in the wall along with Andrew fighting some guy. I didn't know what the fight was caused by but I knew the solution. Now, don't go thinking that my family is messed up because it's not...its just complicated. This has happened only a few times and they all were solved with one thing, money. 

I quickly hurried back into my room and grabbed my box from under my bed before the big man could hurt my misunderstood brother.

"STOP" I yelled loud enough for them to notice someone else in the room.

"Finn go back in your room now." Andrew slurred, pointing to my bedroom door.

"Here, take this. Just get out, please." I quickly pleaded to the big man with a split lip. 

"Fine but if he messes with me again, I'm going to fuck him up big time." The man declares and strolls out of the tiny cottage. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I thought you were done with this kind of stuff Andy..." I sigh, feeling the familiar throb of a headache spreading. 

"He-" he sputters out, wiping smeared blood from his mouth, "he was being rude to a girl. He was going to do things to her, Finn. Bad things." He finishes, reminding me of why I love my brother so much and put up with this.

"Alright, c'mon lets get you cleaned up." I sigh, taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom.


"You look like tired." I hear an Australian voice say from behind me as I walked to school the next morning.

"Yeah well I guess that's what not getting any sleep does to you." I snap, running a hand through my tangled hair. It was the second day of not brushing my hair and I was paying for it. I didn't even bother today. I woke up late, threw on a t-shirt and jeans, forgot to eat breakfast, and missed my bus. I was definitely not making first period. "Why are you going to school late?" I wonder, curiously.

"I have a free block in the morning." He responds with a shrug.

"How'd you manage that?" I chuckle at the fact that everything is just fine for him without trying.

"I slept with my teacher." He states simply, causing me to gasp and look at him with wide eyes. 

"Calm down, I'm just kidding. I took extra classes last year." he reassures me.

"Do you have any more music?" I ask, kicking a small pebble out of my way as we continued down the road.

"Yeah I brought the cd's if you wanna-"

"I don't want to go to school." I state blankly, cutting him off mid-sentence. 

"really?" he asks, shocked. "The great Finny doesn't want to go to school?" he continues to mock me. 

"hardy har har. Whatever, it's not a big deal anyway." 

"Do you want to hang out?" He offers. As I weigh my options, I realize that I could either go to the hospital and visit my mother, but she'd send me back to school. I could go with Luke and risk the chance of getting caught ditching. Or lastly, I could go to school and want to kill everyone there. 

"Sure, why not?" I give in, throwing my hands in the air.

"Oh Finny, this is gonna be the best day of your life." He grins, taking my small hand in his large one and dragging me down an unfamiliar street. 

"That's not my name, ya know." I mutter while being pulled.

"I know." He says, looking over his shoulder and sending me a wink.

Oh God, what have I done?

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