Chapter 21

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"Are you almost ready?" I whine, peeking in the bathroom to see Clarke putting down a bottle of cologne and reaching up to undo the bun on top of his head and shake out his hair. "You take longer than I do to get ready" I giggle, stepping onto the cold linoleum floor and wrapping my arms around his torso, hugging him from behind. 

"Alright, alright I'm all set let's go Finny" He says, chuckling and freeing himself from my grasp.

"That's not my name" I mumble, defensively. 'That's not me' I say to myself. Sighing, I lean down and grab my shoes. 

"Really, you're wearing your Vans?" 

"Yes I am Clarke, you know heels kill my feet and they're  not worth it" I say, lacing them up. "And who cares, we're dancing and these help me dance better"

"Yeah?" He smiles, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. 

"Yeah" I grin and begin to dance around, flailing my legs and arms around like a buffoon. He just laughs at me and pushes me towards the door. 

As we begin our walk to the club, I quickly shut my phone off, not wanting to be bothered tonight. I can see the lights and hear the bass of the club that's three streets down. This is going to be a interesting.


After about 5 hours of dancing and drinking nasty tasting shots, I decided to step out for some air. I pull down on the clingy fabric of my black dress, trying to get it to be longer. I knew this was a bad idea. I don't usually party hard, if I do go out, I'd rather it be at a bar where I can drink and think and leave. 

I didnt know where I was going but I just kept walking, turning down some roads and finally I stumble across a large building, with the front door perched open by a wooden block. Carefully walking up the steps, so I dont fall, I read the sign in front of me. 

"Palau de la Música Catalana" I mumble out in my broken spanish. Cautiously, I step inside, taking in the large concert hall in front of me with a beautiful grand piano sitting on the main stage. 

I look around to see if anyone is in here before making my way to the stage steps and onto the piano bench. I smile to myself and run my fingers over the keys of the beautiful instrument. Suddenly, my fingers are flying across the keys and I am pouring all I have in me into this song. I dont even know what song this is, I just keep going. God, this must be what heroin feels like, I feel like I'm at home here, more at home than I have in 2 years. 

I don't even know how long I've been playing for when I hear slow claps from the back of the hall, scaring me half to death. I squint my eyes trying to see who the tall man in the back is, but fail miserably due to my mild intoxication and bad eyesight. 

"That was...intense" he says, stepping into my line of vision.

"No way in hell" I mutter to myself, earning a cheeky grin from Luke. 

"Hey Finny" He smiles brightly, making his way onto the stage. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until he was standing right in front of me. I take a deep breath, only to be greeted by the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke that's wafting off of the tall boy in front of me. 

"What're you doing? How are you here right now? Why are you here?" I ask, the questions spilling from my mouth. 

"I've been looking for you Finley. You're a very hard girl to track down by the way" He mumbles, looking for a reaction in my eyes. "I know this is weird and kind of creepy, but I just wanna go get a drink or something and talk for a bit...if that's okay with you. Hell, if you even want to be within a 20 mile radius of me." He rambles, with eyes full of hope. 


A/n: I know some of the places arent like geographically correct and i know this seems like this is going super fast but idk...please vote and comment!!! Xxx

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