Chapter 4

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Walking in the hall with him was weird. We didn't talk but that's not what made it awkward, it was the stares. I knew that Luke was never really seen with anyone but I didn't think it was this bad. 

"Why is everyone staring?" I whispered to him as we turned the corner, only to be greeted by more stares. 

"Maybe because you're a freak." He jokes, flashing that wonderful smile once again. 

"Gee thanks." I respond sarcastically.

When we reach the room, I hurry to my seat and take my homework for tonight out, getting to work. Quickly getting bored by the geometric figures and shapes, I shut my binder in frustration and roughly ran my hands through my tangled hair. Usually I straightened it, but I didn't even bother today letting the natural waves and knots take over.  

Feeling a tap at my shoulder, I couldn't help but jump since no one usually sits there but I turn around to see Luke sitting there, listening to music. 

"Can I help you?" I ask, smoothly.

"Do you need help?" He responds, pointing to the shut binder on my desk.

"Do you always answer a question with another question?" I wonder aloud. 

"Are you always this annoying?" He comes back with a playful smirk. 

"No I do not need help, thank you though." I smile, overly-polite. 

"okay sorry to bother you." He says, raising his hands in defeat.

"What are you listening to?" I ask, curiously.

"It's nothing you'd like." He states blankly.

"I bet I would" I challenge, playfully. He sighs in defeat and hands me the spare ear bud. Listening to the music, I instantly recognize it as the music Andrew plays when he's in his bedroom. He claims that the lyrics are awesome but all I can hear is shouting. However, this one is different. It's not too scream-y, sure it's still loud but I can hear the lyrics and they make sense. They made me wanna dance and scream and let go at the same time.

"Do you like it?" He skeptically questions, raising an eyebrow.

"yeah...Do you have anymore?" I finally answer after the song comes to a close.

"No" he sighs and my face falls instantly, "I'm just kidding," he chuckles, making me smile, "I have some cd's if you want me to bring them tomorrow so you can download them." He offers kindly.

"Yeah that'd be amazing thank you so much." I smile widely. 

Our conversation was cut short by the bell and me groaning since I had Biology.

"Ya know..." Luke drags out as we walk out of the classroom and into the crowded halls, greeting by the stares,"if you don't like bio that much, we could always skip."

"Are you serious?" I ask with wide eyes, "I could never! I need to keep up my attendance so I can graduate early." I explain frantically.

"Why do you want to graduate early?" he asks, confused. 

"long story. You need special clearance to gain access to that type of information." I joke, mocking him with a deep Australian accent.

Instead of responding, he just rolls his eyes and puts his finger up to his lips, shushing me, and walks away.

"What a loser." I whisper to myself, smiling as I walk into the classroom only to be greeted by 34 pairs of eyes looking right at me. 

"Ms. Garrett, nice of you to join us." Mr. O'Connell smiles sarcastically at me. 

"Sorry Mr. O'Connell I had to use the restroom." I smile shyly, scorning myself for blurting out such an embarrassing excuse. 

When I sit down and gather all my materials Olivia, my lab partner, leans over and whispers in my ear, "We could all see you with Mr. Badboy. Better make a better excuse next time, or at least be discrete." She grins wickedly. I roll my eyes and brush off her comment, trying to focus on the words up on the board.


When I finally get home and finish my homework, I'm left alone with my thoughts. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Luke. He makes me act funny. Where I'd usually be quiet or discreet, I can't help but crack a stupid joke or start rambling like a mad man. What the heck was I doing? I needed to get a grip before I start acting like that in front of other people too. 

Saying goodnight to Andrew, surprised that he was home for once, I threw on some sweats and jumped in bed, only to be greeted with dreams of Luke and I sitting in a unknown field. I almost thought that I died and went to heaven until I was woken by shouts and crashes coming from the living room.

"Shit." I muttered, scampering out of my bedroom to the scene.

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