Chapter 4: Charms

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Harry's POV:

After that horrendous night I just wanted to stay curled up in a ball. I looked like hell, and I probably smelled too.

I'd let her see who I was, and I wondered if she ever caught on. Maybe she thought I was a dream, maybe she ignored it, or maybe she was fine with it. I dismissed all of those ideas, and uncurled from my protective ball.

I had slept under her bed that previous night, as if the storm couldn't get to me from under there. It was silly, I know, but it was instinct to be afraid of those godforsaken things.

I carefully stepped out of her room, that was sort of worse for wear. I'd clean up later before I left. Or, not. I wasn't exactly sure what my next course of action was yet. After last night, I needed a place to hide, a safe place. This seemed as good a place as any.

I treaded lightly down the stairs, my stomach aching for food once more. I had already wrecked the poor girls fridge, so I tried to hold back my stomachs will. Sad thing was, I never even got her name. She heard mine, as I was in a sort of bloodlust trance. Meat did that to me, to my kind. It wasn't real meat, but it had the same effect, and I was desperate.

While I was on that subject, I worried if I had done anything else. Had I hurt her? Scared her? I was still conscious during the trance, that I know of. But some of the things all blurred together, sort of like I was on a high, but with more control.

I peeked down the stairwell and into the living room to to see her caramel colored hair slightly fall off of the side of the burgundy couch. The not conclusive enough image begged me to walk further in, she was very beautiful after all, I noticed last night. Adorable her cheeks were when they burned with blush, almost daring to yell at me, knowing I would probably tear her to shreds.

I smirked a tiny bit. Yeah, she was something.

I placed my hand on the back of the couch and leaned to the side to catch a glimpse of her. Her just past shoulder length waves of hair fell beautifully around her, one strand in front of her face, her eyes shut softly, and her long lashes framing them. Her pink lips were slightly parted for taking small, cute breaths as she slept. She had kept that knock off of a werewolf if I'd seen one held close to her chest.

I thought it a bit childish, I mean Ive kept that beat up old rag I slept with until I was 4...I missed it.

Ignoring my memories, I observed the girl as she slept. I wasn't trying to creep up on her, just check on her. I slowly raised my hand to her soft and smooth, peaceful looking face, the small and barely noticeable freckles on them making my endearing emotion slip out. I kept my now normal green eyes on her, tucking the strand of golden hair behind her ear.

She mumbled, breathing through her nose, her eyes moving through closed eyelids.


I jerked my hand back away from her, the very mention of that word making me pause, and freeze. I furrowed my brow, and just looked at her, feeling the heavy, melancholy feeling slip into me once more. It was a feeling I was all too familiar with. I let out a soft sigh before turning around,taking one last look at her, and heading into the kitchen.


Benny's POV

The next morning I'd say I woke up around 10:00, and wow was it a good feeling. It was Sunday, and no work until Tuesday. I hummed softly, stretching my arms out wide in front of me, then plopping them back down.

I fluttered open my eyes, loving the feeling of no sun in my eyes. I usually woke up earlier, which meant the sun always found it's way through the tiny spaces in between my blinds and into my face, taunting me to wake up with it's warmth.

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