Three Times

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"You do know I still hate parties, don't you?"

The mix of yellow and orange light shone his frowning face, glaring hazel eyes seemed to outstand under the beam of the setting sun. Antonio wanted to take a picture, but Lovino would surely cover his face if he did, so he admired the sight in front of him for a brief moment before chuckling and squeezing the other's hand three times—a gesture both had settled on to say 'I love you', which was really cheesy in Lovino's opinion—and replied:

"Of course I know. But I'm glad you still decided to come with me, querido."

Lovino looked away with a scoff, once again watching as the people and streets pass by before his eyes. Silence engulfed the taxi, but it wasn't uncomfortable. With their hands still together, the Italian decided to respond to Antonio's previous gesture with three squeezes.

Antonio thanked God for having such a wonderful boyfriend.

Hours had passed since the couple arrived at the party, awaiting for the new year in the balcony alone, a glass of wine both in their free hands. It was a surprise that they were still sober, considering that most of the people in the party were drunk and could barely even walk. They watched as fireworks erupted in the sky, too early for New Year but they seemed to not care at all.

"Do you think we would still be together this year?"

Lovino asked while resting his head on Antonio's shoulder, biting his lower lip in habit. The question bothered the Spaniard as he frowned. He opened his mouth to assure that they still would, but he closed it in thought. Future can be unpredictable, he had to admit. But he believed that as long as they still love each other and managed to work out their relationship, everything would be fine in the end. Antonio sighed as he smiled.

"I believe we would still be together as long as I love you and you love me," Lovino looked up and glared at Antonio as if daring him to try do something he'd regret. The Spaniard chuckled at the Italian's reaction since he really did not make a Barney reference at all. "And as long as we try and work out our relationship, it'll be fine in the end."

Lovino sighed, "But what if—"

Antonio hushed him with a chaste kiss and hugged him tight, "Silly Lovi. We'll make this relationship work. Now let's just enjoy ourselves, it's almost New Year. Cheer up, querido."

The Italian pouted but he complied anyway, sipping a little bit of wine before placing it down on the stone balustrade, and turning around to face Antonio. A smirk adorned his face, placing his hands on his lover's shoulders and led them both in the middle of the balcony.

"Let's dance."

Antonio chuckled before placing his own hands on Lovino's waist, swaying them both to an unknown tune. They continued that for a while until they heard everyone from downstairs yelled the countdown at the top of their lungs, the couple laughing at the drunk people but joined the countdown anyway.

By the count of ten, both had stopped counting down and instead smiled at each other.

"You know what to do."

"Of course I do."

When the clock strikes twelve, more fireworks decorated the star filled sky, more yelling had filled the air, and the couples had probably gone into a kiss. Antonio and Lovino were one of them, breaking away from each other to laugh and shout.

"Happy New Year!"

They squeezed each other's hands three times once again that night.

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