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The said male sighed, looking up at the male who called out to him with a bored look from his seat. He had been waiting for that stupid bastard for ages, and he's bored out of his mind—and also quick tempered, as usual.

"You sure did take your time," Lovino said sarcastically, and the other male just smiled at him.

"¡Lo siento! But here I am now, sí? I came!" The male hugged Lovino, who tried to push him off of him.

"Dammit, Antonio! You know what, let's just go." Lovino huffed, standing up. He started to walk, albeit rather slowly, as for the Spaniard to catch up to him. Antonio, even if Lovino didn't slow his pace, will eventually catch up to him anyway. The taller male walked beside the slightly smaller one, smiling. Then, his smile grew a little wider as he turned to Lovino.

"Hey, Lovi!" The Italian tried his best not to roll his eyes, and just asked him what does he want. "I have a question for you!"

"Spill it," Lovino demanded, which Antonio happily obliged.

"Do you know my favourite reaction on Facebook?"

The question made the Italian's eyebrow rose in amusement, though his face somehow showed a little confusion.

"Yeah, sure. This is me pretending to care." He may not admit it, but he does care. Or rather, the odd question made him quite curious. He wants to know what is Antonio's favourite Facebook reaction.

"Lovi, you're no fun! C'mon, just guess it, please?" Antonio tried his best to do the puppy dog eyes—one of Lovino's weaknesses. The latter had regretted looking at the former, sighing before responding.

"Fine. It's the angry one."

He guessed, thinking that that reaction might remind the Spaniard of him, since he may be a hot headed one. But it surprised him when Antonio shook his head as a no, and tried to cover up his surprise with a glare.

"Nope, wrong answer! Try one more time, Lovi. Please! ¡Por favor!"

How can he say no?

"The laughing one."

Maybe that must be it, since it kind of reminds him of the male beside him and his brother. But—surprise, surprise—it's a wrong answer again. Lovino groaned.

"Why am I even doing this? This is so stupid, dammit." He can't help but to complain, but the other still remained composed and—giddy?

"Because of me! Please Lovi, another guess! It's already too close, you know!" Antonio bit his lip to avoid him from squealing, because he knew that this would totally work.

"Love?" Lovino answered, but it somehow came out as a question. Despite that, Antonio seemed to be satisfied with the question as his smile turned to a knowing smirk.

Oh hell no.

"Yes, love? What is it?"

Let's just say Antonio got a bruise on his arm from a flustered (and a tomato, according to Antonio) Lovino after that.

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