Don't Know Why

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A lone man stood outside a café, looking inside to another lone man inside, sipping his coffee. The man inside looks like he was expecting someone to come, checking his watch every now and then. As more minutes come, he got sadder and sadder. The man outside sighed, hiding once again when the man inside looked outside.

He calmed himself down, blinking the tears back as to not make a scene in the street. He watched as the colour of the sky changed from blue to orange, signalling that the day was almost ending. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't want to meet up with the man inside. He doesn't want to go inside, face him, just for him to say goodbye.

The man inside might not know, but the man outside already knows. It hurt him deeply for him to know that his long time love was going away. He had yet to tell him that he loves him, but no, he'll just hurt himself.


It was as if his heart stopped, gasping. He's been busted. Looking at the side where the man was, he gulped the lump in his throat to speak.


Both stared at each other, neither moving, neither speaking. They just stood there, staring.

"Why didn't you come inside?" asked Antonio, and he received a shake of the head.

"I can't..." stuttered Lovino, tears once again gathering at the corners of his eyes. "I can't, Antonio."

The Spaniard's gaze softened, and he took a step towards the Italian; the latter taking a step backward.

"I just want to hug you." his voice broke as he took another step forward, and this time, Lovino didn't took a step back. "Please."

Giving up, the Italian nodded his head, and as soon as he did so, he was engulfed by strong arms in a hug. Unable to suppress the overwhelming emotions inside him, he let the tears ran freely down his cheeks, hugging the other back.

"Dammit," Lovino sobbed. "Why'd you have to go?"

"You know how much I love my Mama..." Antonio fought his own tears from spilling. "I thought you'd understand."

"Hell yeah, I will!" exclaimed the Italian. "But fuck them, I just want you to be by my side!"

Confused, Antonio frowned and held Lovino within arms length to look at his tear stained face. He wiped some tears off of him, as he asked: "Why so?"

"Because I love you, stupid!" Lovino gasped, realising his mistake. Oh no. Expecting Antonio to scowl in disgust at his friend, he was surprised when the other smiled.

"I love you too." the Spaniard hugged the Italian again, leaving Lovino confused.

He didn't know if Antonio meant it romantically or platonically.

He was running late, and he had to go and find the stupid Spaniard in the large airport. He glanced at his watch, and cursed under his breath as he ran, looking around in hopes to see Antonio before he go.

Finally, after some exhausting running, he saw Antonio in the crowds and was about to call him when he realised that he was talking to a beautiful girl. Lovino wondered who was she for a few moments, and he got an answer as the girl stood on her toes to kiss Antonio.

Lovino ran away, abandoning his promise to meet up with Antonio at the airport before he left.

A/N: idk man. angsty one sided spamano? or was it not?

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