Dalton's Origin

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Years ago on another earth, another version of Central City was getting ready for the particle accelerator to turn on in just a few hours. Unlike Earth-1, there was no Eobard Thawne to create it. There was also a war going on between those who disagreed with turning it on and those who said otherwise. For those who didn't, they were running away from the city but vanished before they could leave. It was unclear what happened to them at first, at least until one day. Dalton and Alex were walking down the alleys, trying to stay out of sight. The two of them were some of the people who didn't want the particle accelerator to turn on. "Okay so, you want to tell me where we're headed?" Dalton asked as he followed Alex. "The Elite Force could be searching for us right now." Both of the boys walked through two more alleys until they reached a large door. "It's in here," Alex said. Dalton nodded and went to open the door, unfortunately, it was locked. He started to walk off when he saw Alex pull a lock pick out of his pocket.

Dalton was surprised. It only took a few seconds and they were in. "How do you know how to do that?" He asked as Alex opened the door. Alex turned to him and smiled. "You know, you really should've accepted those lessons from Leonard Snart," Alex said. "They're pretty useful right now." Dalton agreed but already knew it was too late now, the Elite Force had already grabbed him. Then in the corner of Dalton's eye, he saw a person walking past the outside of the alley. "Get in a hurry." He said as both of them rushed into the building. Dalton quickly closed the door behind them and locked it from the inside. They listened for a while until they didn't hear any footsteps and went further into the building. "What is this place?" Dalton asked as they walked into an old laboratory. Alex explained to him that in this room, there was information about alternate versions of the particle accelerator. "All of them ended up exploding, giving good and bad people powers." He said. Dalton nodded and understood what he was saying. "So I'm guessing that's going to happen here." Alex shrugged and explained that this one has a difference from the others. "This one isn't even a particle accelerator, it's an Arcturion accelerator," Alex said to him. "But according to the rumors around the city that doesn't exist on this earth." He also explained that without the Arcturion, the power only goes to the bionics. "Which we are not," Dalton said. Alex nodded and then walked over to a cabinet and opened one of the drawers. He pulled out a box and brought it over to Dalton. He opened it to reveal two bionic chips.

Dalton looked at Alex concerned. "You're crazy, you know that right?" He asked him. "Yeah, and so are you," Alex said back as he grabbed one of the chips and held it in front of Dalton. "True," Dalton said with a laugh as he grabbed the chip. Alex grabbed the other chip and had Dalton turned around. "This might sting a little bit." He said. Dalton began to ask what he meant, but a sharp pain struck the back of his neck. "What the heck!" He called out. "Sorry, we gotta jam them in," Alex said. Dalton nodded and Alex turned around. Dalton hesitated at first, but then he finally jammed the chip into his neck. Alex winced at the pain, and then rubbed the back of his neck. "We're gonna need something to power these up before the explosion." He said. "Which we can only do at Star Labs." Dalton looked at him. "And how are we gonna get there with the Elite Force being on our backs?" He asked. Alex walked over and grabbed a large dresser. "Help me out here." He told Dalton. Both of the boys grabbed the dresser and moved it aside, uncovering a large tunnel. "Snart made a tunnel that leads straight into the building," Alex explained. "He made it when he needed to sneak over some gadgets." The two boys walked through the tunnel for a few hours until they reached a loose air vent. Alex stuck his head out and looked around. "All clear." He said as he moved the air vent. Both boys went through and Alex put the vent back. They looked up to see the Arcturion accelerator. "Whatever we're going to do, we better hurry." Dalton alerted Alex. "These things are gonna go off soon." They quickly got to work with finding a strong enough power to activate the chips.

Suddenly a shock came to Dalton's neck. He grabbed his neck and yelled in pain. "You okay?" Alex asked, rushing towards him. He then noticed a spark in Dalton's chip, then looked at the accelerator as he felt something shock his neck too. "The energy must be a preparation for the bionics," Alex said looking back at Dalton. Suddenly the accelerator started powering up and glowing brightly. A giant blast shot out and spread throughout the entire city, knocking the both of them down. "Well, we're alive," Dalton said as they got to their feet. Alex turned towards Dalton and his eyes grew wide. "Dalton!" He called out, pointing at Dalton's hand. Dalton looked to see small flames and panicked, which caused them to grow. "What do I do?!" He asked in a panic. "I don't know, hit something I guess!" Alex said. Dalton looked around and then saw the accelerator. "Hope this works." Dalton thought to himself. Alex saw what he was doing and started running towards him. "Dalton wait!" He started to warn, but it was too late. Dalton blasted the accelerator, causing a massive explosion, knocking him out.

When he finally came to, Dalton was surrounded by ashes and debris, sirens were screeching in the distance. Dalton slowly got to his feet, his whole body was sore from the blast. "Alex?" He asked as he looked around. Alex was gone, but where. "Alex!" He called out as he searched around. After a few minutes, he saw a dog tag, it was Alex's senior class tag. "Oh god no." He said as he grabbed the dog tag. He looked around him, the entire building in burnt ashes. "What've I done?" Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder from behind, making him jump. He turned around to see a man in yellow standing in front of him. "Who are you?" Dalton asked. The man looked at him. "Eobard Thawne, and I think we can help each other." He said. Dalton didn't trust Eobard. "Why would I help you?" Dalton asked him aggravatedly. "I don't need your help." He turned around and began walking off. "Not even for your friend?" Eobard asked, making Dalton stop in his tracks. "I know what it's like to lose a friend." This made Dalton mad, his hand started smoking, glowing brightly. "I don't need your help!" He shouted as he threw a fireball at him. Eobard sped off and vanished. "Feels good doesn't it, all that power?" His voice said from behind. Dalton turned around quickly, alert. "Tell you what, you can use that to get back at the Elite Force." Dalton thought about it and looked around him, it was too late to turn back by the looks of it. He turned back towards Eobard. "Fine, what do we do?" Dalton asked.

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