Bionic Rage

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Adam and Leo were waiting in the training room, waiting for their team to return. "They need to get back soon," Leo said as he paced back and forth. Adam rolled his eyes and walked towards him. "I know whatever Mr. Davenport told you was important," Adam said. "But you gotta tell me what's going on. What is the mission?" Adam was aware that he and Leo needed to go to Earth-1 to find the Elite Force and bring them back but didn't know why. "I'm sorry Adam, but I can't tell you," Leo said to him, seeming worried. Suddenly a portal opened and the two boys turned to find the team back. "Welcome back," Adam said with his arms out. Bree walked up and hugged her brother. "It's good to see you guys again," Bree said to him and Leo. Leo nodded in agreement, still looking worried. "Are you okay?" Bree asked him. Leo nodded and cracked a smile. "Yeah, it's just that we need you back on our earth." Leo went on to explain that someone placed a computer virus that could affect their bionic chips. "So you're saying that this virus might be inside them?" Adam asked. Leo nodded and said that the source of the virus came from the Elite Force base just after they left. "If this virus is inside you, there's no telling what it can do," Leo warned Bree and Chase. "I'll take you guys there," Phoebe said to Leo. "I still have Skylar's abilities inside me, I can open a portal and get you there safely." Leo nodded in agreement and left to prepare. As he left Adam turned to see a symbol on Leo's shoulder, it was their family symbol but upside down. Adam started to say something about it to Bree and Chase but instead decided to see what else he could find out. "I'll come too, you guys might need me in case we need to race out quick," Jessica said as she walked into the room. Everyone agreed and headed off to prepare for the journey.

Meanwhile, on another Earth, Dalton was standing in the Elite Force base with other bionic humans at his side. "We need to track them down," Dalton said. "Has anyone checked on the prisoners?" Before anyone could answer, Killer Frost and Deathstorm walked into the room. "If you're talking about us, your guards aren't doing a good job." Killer Frost told him. "What's your problem with them anyway?" Dalton didn't answer and instead left the room. He got in the Hyperlift and took it to the basement where he kept an underground cell. "You're back, what do you want?" A voice said in one of the cages. Dalton walked to the cage to see two people in his cage, a teenage boy, and an adult man. "Just came to make sure you haven't tried anything, Leo," Dalton said smiling at the boy. Leo walked up to the cell door and looked at him. "Where's Adam and the other me?" He asked. Dalton just stood there grinning at him. "Considering my agent hasn't sent any distress signals, I'm sure everything is as it's planned." He said. "Your friends probably don't even know the difference." Leo started to reach for him but was held back by the man. "Mr. Davenport, I'm surprised he's not holding you back." Mr. Davenport gave a goofy grin and walked to the cell door. "So how much do you want?" He asked. "Money, I got a lot of Davendollars." He pulled out a dollar bill worth a million out of his pocket and handed it to Dalton. Dalton took it and looked at it for a moment, then burned it in his hand. "I don't care about your money or anything with your face on it." He told Mr. Davenport. "But you know exactly what I and Marcus want." Leo's eyes grew wide. "Marcus?!" He said in disbelief. Suddenly another boy stepped into the room. Leo and Mr. Davenport knew him well. "Hello you two, miss me?" Marcus asked with a smile.

Meanwhile back on Earth-1, the group was prepared to leave for the other Earth. Phoebe held out her hand and created a space portal. "Okay, let's go." Leo nodded and walked through the portal, followed by the rest of the group. When everyone left, Cisco closed the portal from their side. "Good luck." He said just before the portal completely closed. The portal took them to the Elite Force base, where a lot of kids were waiting for them. "Spin what're you guys doing off the bionic island?" Bree asked one of the boys. The boy was silent and still. Chase looked at Spin and noticed something about his eyes, they were glowing green. Bree started to reach out to Spin but Chase grabbed her arm. "Bree don't." He warned her. "It's the Triton App, someone's used it on them." The group looked around to see that everyone had the Triton App inside them. Jessica went up to Chase and Bree. "Okay help me out here." She said. "What exactly is this Triton App?" Bree told her about how it controls bionic humans into becoming battle-ready against anyone who resisted. "The only one who can't be affected is Leo," Bree said. Adam looked over at Leo, who seemed surprised by what he heard. He decided to use this as an advantage, to figure out who he was. "What do you mean, why him?" Jessica asked. Bree began to answer when Adam put her hand over her mouth. "Why don't we let Leo answer that." He said smiling at him. Leo tensed up, causing the team to get curious. "Come on Adam, you know," Leo said, trying to escape the topic. "Yeah, but they don't," Adam said pointing at Jessica and Phoebe. "Tell them." Leo looked at the two girls and was now seeming even tenser. "Because unlike everyone else..." He began to say nervously. "... My chip has a code that can block it." Adam rolled his eyes and shook his head. "That's funny," Adam said with his expression changing. "Leo doesn't have a chip." Leo started to run off when Bree grabbed him and knocked him down. "Where is he?" She asked him.

Leo got up and began to say something but saw someone enter the room, it was Dalton and Marcus. "How long has it been since we've had a good battle?" Marcus asked Adam, Bree, and Chase. Skylar, Oliver, and Kaz looked at the others confused. "Okay, who is this guy?" Oliver asked. Chase took a breath and couldn't believe this guy was even here... again. "Marcus." He said. "Our brother. How are you even alive?" The last time they saw him, they had to destroy him. They should've known he'd be back somehow. Dalton stopped him from answering. "That's not important." He told Chase. He walked past him and went over to Phoebe and Jessica. "I only needed the Elite Force the bionic humans, but you two could be useful." He said to them. "Flash Bolt and Mimic, who would've known." As he turned around, the two girls looked at each other. "I'll distract him while you go warn the others at Star Labs," Jessica said to Phoebe. She grabbed her hand and Phoebe felt her power go inside her. Phoebe nodded and got ready. Jessica then turned her attention to Dalton. "Hey hothead, think fast." She said. As Dalton turned around, Jessica quickly sped towards him. But just as she got towards him, he vanished into thin air. Jessica stopped running and looked around, confused. "Geoleaping," Dalton said above her. Jessica looked up to see Dalton hanging on a chandelier. "Get her." He told the bionic army. With the army going after Jessica, Phoebe quickly raced off to find a spot to breach. The next thing she knew, there was an army of bionic soldiers geoleaping in front of her. "Come on anytime now breach." She thought to herself as she neared them. Suddenly a blue spark appeared in the middle of the army and burst into a breach, knocking the army backward. Phoebe took the chance shot into the breach just before it closed.

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