Triton Virus

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Dalton was walking around the base when one of his guards caught his eye. "You, any sign of Flash Bolt?" He asked the guard. The guard shook their head. "We'll keep looking, the last thing we need is a speedster ruining our plans," Dalton said as he left the room. When the coast was clear the guard went straight to the underground prison. The guard walked right over to another guard beside the cells. "Leave at once." The guard said in a female voice. "I'll take it from here." The other guard nodded their head and left her alone with the prisoners. As soon as the guard left, she took off her helmet and revealed herself to the prisoners. Skylar, Oliver, and Kaz were surprised. It was Jessica. "Where're the Bionic ones?" She asked them. "We're not sure," Skylar said as Jessica opened the cell. "Dalton's been sending the guards to grab them all except for Leo." As everyone stepped out of the cell, Jessica noticed Leo and stopped him. "You sure this is him?" She asked the group, reminding them of the Leo imposter. "Yes, it's him." Mr. Davenport told her, sounding exactly like they said, self-obsessed. "I'm the one who gave him his bionics." He said, trying to seem credited. "That was me, Donald." A man's voice in another cell. They turned to see another man inside one of the cells with two women, each who looked to have different looks for him. "Douglas, would you stop talking?" Mr. Davenport asked. "Donald, your brother is the least of our worries right now!" One of the women said to him, scowling at him. Jessica walked over and opened the cell. Mr. Davenport went and hugged the woman. "So glad you're okay Tasha." Mr. Davenport said to her. Tasha smiled at him. "You're missing one very small detail." She said to him. "And that would be?" He asked as he leaned in for a kiss, Tasha pulled her head away with her expression changing. "I don't know, maybe this little thing called our daughter!" She snapped at him. Mr. Davenport's eyes grew wide with fear and confusion. "She wasn't with you?" He asked her.

Suddenly a loud thud came across the hall. Jessica raced across to see a large door slammed shut. She quickly rushed towards it and tried to phase through but was knocked backward. "This is not how I thought my birthday would go," Jessica said as she rose to her feet. The rest of the group ran over and Leo walked over to the door, his hand glowing a bright yellow. "Leo what're you doing?!" Tasha called out to him. "Going to find my sister!" Leo said to her as he blasted an energy ball at the door. The door exploded as if it was blown up by a bomb. He started to walk through when Adam walked in. "Adam, you're okay!" Leo said gladly. He started to walk over to Adam when he grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him. "Hey man, what's wrong with you?" Leo asked. Adam was silent and then threw him towards a wall. Jessica looked at Adam and noticed that he had glowing green eyes. "Wait, hold on, isn't that the Triton App?" She asked the group. Douglas nodded. "Dalton turned it into a virus that infects the bionic chips." He said to her. "Who knows what else he's changed." Adam's eyes began to turn a bright red, activating his heat vision. "Everyone get down!" Kaz called out. Everyone quickly ran for cover just as Adam was about to fire. "I'll distract him, you guys get out of here!" Jessica called out. She quickly ran towards Adam, knocking him backward. She was pleased with herself until something hit her from the side, it was Bree, she was also infected by the virus. "Happy Birthday Jessica." She said to him. "If you end this now it won't be your last." She said as she sped towards her. Jessica quickly spun around and tripped her. "Oh please, you're nothing compared to Killer Frost." She said as Chase stepped into the room. "Seriously, you too?" Chase rose his hands into the air and objects started flying through the air.

Just as some of the objects were close to hitting her, Douglas pulled Jessica out of the way. "I told you to leave." She said to him. "Yeah whatever speedy, just listen." He said to her. "During the creation of this virus, I noticed that the energy is the same as the ones from shapeshifters on our earth," Jessica remembered the shapeshifter attack back in Central City, they had to freeze them to contain them. Just then Oliver ran over to Jessica. "I can help you, just get me close." He said to her. "I have to hit their chips." Jessica nodded and grabbed his arm. She quickly rushed off and put him behind Chase. Oliver then blasted his neck with ice, and Chase collapsed to the ground. The other two were easier since they were somehow already knocked out. "We'll have to fix their chips when they wake up," Douglas said. "Those chips are what gives them their abilities." Leo then walked over to them. "We've got to find my sister." He said to them. "Naomi's just a little girl." Jessica nodded and quickly sped him to the main room. "Dalton, get out here!" Leo called out. Dalton appeared to him and wasn't afraid of him. "Where's Naomi?" Dalton shrugged. "Not on this earth, Douglas did hide her somewhere." He said as the other Leo walked over to his side. "And if we find her, I will happily handle our little sister." The other Leo said. Leo's hand glowed yellow and he held it straight towards his doppelgänger, draining his energy. "You will not lay a hand on her." He said as his doppelgänger crumbled into pieces.

As the agent lay there in pieces, Dalton just glanced at them. "He was starting to get suspicious." He told them. He raised his hand and ignited the flames. "Couldn't control your team, might as well destroy them." He started to throw the fire when an energy blast knocked him down. Jessica looked over to see Vibe standing beside Killer Frost and Deathstorm. "Come on, let's go!" Vibe said to them. The rest of the group came up and quickly rushed to the portal. "Tell Star city to be prepared." Jessica heard Dalton say as she stepped through the portal. "Oh great, what've you got planned this time?" Jessica thought to herself. When she went through the portal, she immediately warned everyone about what she heard. "We'll warn them about that later," Cisco said to her. "But right now we just need to get through something else." Just then, Caitlin and Phoebe brought cake and ice cream into the room. "Let's get this party started," Caitlin said. At that moment the party began. Although it started as a big battle, this was a birthday she would remember.

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