Elite Force

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The next day Team Flash revealed that there would be an exhibit showing at the Star Labs Museum, featuring the heroes themselves. With Cisco helping out with presenting the space rock as Vibe, he and Gypsy would have to be sure to pick the right way to signal the team whenever the breachers arrived. Gypsy had decided to stay in Central City for good and decided to join Team Flash.

The day before everyone got the announcement out that there would be an exhibit of the discovery. The speedsters raced throughout the city putting posters all over the city, Iris made a news article about the event explaining the event and how the speedsters and vibes would be hosting and revealing the space rock. She also mentioned that five kids will be chosen to get an exclusive tour of the Coretex and see where Metahumans are put away after they destroy the city.

Cisco was in his lab making some modifications to his glasses he wears when he wants to vibe something or someone. With these modifications, the glasses would send a signal to the Earth 2 Meta-Alert watches that Harrison created when Metahumans were created on his earth. The signal would also say what type of powers to get off the kids in case any other Metahumans showed up and weren't the ones they were looking for. He looked at the space rock and wondered if he could get anything else from it, maybe even it's future.

He walked over to the rock and noticed a bright pink glow from it, he was about to open the case when Tracy came and saw him. She quickly ran and grabbed the object before he got the chance. "Are you crazy?!" She asked, holding it in her hands. Cisco looked at her hand and saw a small flash drive.

Tracy looked at the flash drive, she had completely forgotten about it. "Right umm, so I did some research to try and figure out what this rock is exactly." She said as she headed to the main computer. She put the space rock down and plugged in the flash drive. On the flash drive, there was a ton of information regarding different powers and abilities, not some but all of them. "What we're looking at is many alternate power sources and abilities, all coming from the space rock. It's like Julian said, it's practically the Philosopher's Stone." Tracy said.

Cisco looked at the screen and noticed something else, something different from the Philosopher's Stone. This rock doesn't only give powers to people, it can take them away and even kill someone who comes into contact with it. Cisco didn't want to alarm Tracy so he took the rock and told her to get ready for the presentation.

A few hours later a ton of people from Central City and Star City were gathered at Star Labs for the space rock presentation. As The Flash explained what they had discovered about the rock and its abilities, both Vibe and Gypsy both vibed five people entering the room. "Sorry to interrupt you Flash, but I wanted to remind everyone that some of our helpers here at Star Labs will be picking out five kids to see the Coretex," Gypsy said as Julian, Iris, Joe, Tracy, and Harrison walked around searching for the kids. The Meta-Alert watches detected strong energy similar to the space rock, the kids were close but had split up, maybe even came in at different times.

Julian followed his tracker to a teenage girl with dark brown hair and a teenage boy with light brown hair. "Excuse me you two, can you tell me your names?" He asked them. The girl nodded. "My name's Skylar and this is Oliver," Skylar said smiling. "Well then Oliver, Skylar, you both get the chance to come to the Coretex for a tour after the presentation, follow me."

Joe's watch led him to a dark brown-haired boy who seemed very focused on the space rock. "Excuse me, sir, may I have your name?" He said to him. The boy turned around with his eyes wide. "Yeah um, it's Kaz," Kaz said, sounding nervous. "I'm sorry, was there a list or something?" Joe laughed and shook his head. "No, I'm just here to tell you that you Kaz are one of our five chosen to go see the Coretex." Kaz's eyes lit up with excitement as he and Joe headed to the group, Joe already knew that this kid was going to be trouble.

Tracy's watch led her to a teenage girl with light brown hair and who seemed to look as if she was then she seemed. "Excuse me, my name is Tracy Brand." She said stretching out her hand. The girl turned and smiled as she shook Tracy's hand. "Bree Davenport, nice to meet you," Bree told her. Tracy told her about the event and Bree gladly followed her, seeming excited about the tour, or being sarcastic, it was hard to tell for Tracy. They still had one more boy to find, and the presentation was almost over.

Harrison was a little confused about why his watch was taking him away from the presentation. He walked around the rest of the museum and found the teenage boy in a different part, one with a section about the Particle Vision. "Excuse me young man, but I believe you're in the wrong exhibit." He said. "The space rock exhibit is that way." The boy turned and nodded. "I'm aware of that Dr. Harrison Wells, that rock is much more than what The Flash and his team know." The teenage boy spoke. "My name's Chase Davenport." Harrison was surprised by Chase's reaction to the conversation. "Well Mr. Davenport, if you will please follow me, you are one of the chosen five to tour our beloved Coretex." He said sarcastically.

Not long after Harrison and Chase returned to the exhibit, everyone had already left and only Team Flash and the other four kids were waiting for them. "Guys, what're you doing here?" Chase asked. Bree and the others seemed just as confused as he was. "Guess we all had the same idea today," Oliver said.

Just then the three speedsters appeared in front of them, not after Gypsy and Vibe came out of a portal. "Okay so be honest you guys," Cisco said. Chase began to feel concerned. "You didn't really buy the whole Coretex tour right?" The kids all looked at each other in surprise.

Chase reached out his hand and a lightsaber-like weapon appeared in it. "Kaz, Oliver, you're with me!" Chase called out. "Bree, Skylar, you two get the rock." Bree and Skylar nodded and headed for the rock. Cisco went after Bree but was caught off guard when she sped up and struck him hard, knocking him backward.

Before he could hit the ground, Jesse sped and caught him, then chased after Bree. Vibe and Gypsy both went after Skylar, but before they could reach her, she created a plasma blast that threw them to the other side of the room. Kaz created a fire around his entire arm and blasted The Flash and Kid Flash. Oliver struck them with ice, freezing their legs solid. Meanwhile, Bree had grabbed the space rock and was being chased by Jessie. "Oliver, go help, Bree!" Chase called out. "Kaz you go help Skylar with Vibe and Gypsy, I got the others!" Kaz and Oliver nodded and quickly flew off to help the others. "Hey you two, feel the burn!" Kaz said blasting a fireball out of his mouth. Skylar quickly rushed to his side. "Seriously Kaz, catchphrases, Now?!" She said annoyed. "You need to concentrate!" Kaz rolled his eyes and went back to fighting.

Meanwhile somewhere above Central City, Oliver flew around the city chasing Jessie and Bree. Jessie was close to catching Bree so he had to think fast. He created an ice spike and lunged it at Jessie, striking her in the leg. Jessie was knocked down but Bree was still running, not knowing what had happened.

Oliver quickly flew towards her and ended up knocking her down instead of in front of her. "You think you would've figured out landing by now!" She yelled frustratedly. "Hey, where's Jessie?" Before he could answer a woman with white hair appeared from a corner. "Hey, who are-" Oliver started to say a blast of ice surrounded him and Bree.

Meanwhile back at Star Labs, Chase was facing Harrison, who had a gun he created back on Earth 2. Harrison fired but Chase created a shield before he was hit. The next thing Harrison knew, Chase's eyes flashed and his gun exploded and scattered in pieces. Before he could react, Skylar grabbed him from behind and threw him across the room. Kaz joined them and put a fire barrier around them.

The barrier quickly spread through them, turning to an indoor bonfire. Before it could spread any further, a giant blizzard blew past the fire, putting it out. Everyone turned to find the white-haired woman at the entrance. Behind were two frozen kids, Bree and Oliver. "What can I say, don't mess with my friends." She told Kaz, Chase, and Skylar. "Or I might just get frosty." She waved her hands in front of her and blasted them with ice, freezing them solid. She went to the door and grabbed the space rock from around the corner. "Caitlin Snow," Julian said smiling.

Caitlin smiled back and looked around. "So, I take the new Metahumans mean you're glad I'm back?" She asked with a laugh. Everyone else laughed along with her, then they took the frozen statues to the Coretex.

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