Double Trouble

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Everyone stared at Caitlin and Killer Frost side by side. They haven't been in the same room since Killer Frost was killed in Earth 2, she had tried to kill Caitlin but the plan backfired and Zoom killed her. Barry turned to look at Kaz. "I thought he said the effects were either powers or death." He told him. Kaz shook his head and shrugged. "They were but I don't know what happened." He said looking at the doubles and back at Barry. "I've never seen or heard of this happening before." They looked back at Caitlin who was getting onto her feet. She didn't want anything to do with Killer Frost anymore. She pushed her arms towards Killer Frost but nothing happened, Killer Frost didn't even flinch.

"No powers, that is what you wanted right." Killer Frost reminded Caitlin. "You would try everything you could to get rid of your power, to get rid of me, but now that you have you can't stop me anymore." Eobard walked towards Killer Frost and smiled. "We have we came for, let's go." He said before speeding off with Killer Frost and Crane. Caitlin gasped in disbelief. A few hours later, Caitlin was looking at herself in a mirror when Cisco walked in. "I never thought I would ever see this me again," Caitlin told him. "I thought I'd be stuck as Killer Frost forever." Cisco looked at her and smiled, it was good to see her as Caitlin Snow again. "Did you miss being you?" He asked with a little laugh.

Before she could answer, Bridget came in looking nervous when she saw Caitlin. "I'm sorry about Julian." She said. "I just wanted to protect my son, I didn't know that would happen." Tears started streaming down her face. Caitlin walked over and hugged her to give her comfort. She didn't blame her for what happened, it wasn't her fault. "Honestly you don't have to worry about it." She told Bridget. "You're not the only person he's tricked into trying to kill him." Bridget smiled and wiped away her tears. "So what're you gonna do about the frosty you." She asked Caitlin. Caitlin pulled out her phone as she told her not to worry, she had a connection. She walked out of Star Labs as she texted a friend of hers. The text read: "Hey girl, things are getting frosty. Meet at Jitters?" A few minutes later she got a text from her friend. "Sure see you there."

As she walked to Jitters Coffee Shop, Caitlin kept seeing someone watching her while she was walking, she turned around and saw nothing. Every time she looked away the person would reappear in the corner of her eye, she started to run and told herself not to look back. She hid behind a wall and quickly pulled out her phone. "I think someone's after me, get here quick." She texted. Suddenly a flash of light came and grabbed her and took her beside Jitters before she could think. "Oh thank God." She said with relief. She knew exactly who grabbed her and was glad to be closer to Jitters.

She walked around the corner and into the coffee shop. She looked around until she saw a girl a few tables ahead and waved, the girl smiled and waved back as Caitlin walked towards her. "Hey Caitlin, Killer Frost finally let you go burnett?" The girl said with a laugh. Caitlin sat across from her and laughed. "Not exactly Jessica." She said, her emotion quickly changed thinking about Killer Frost. "I'm not her anymore." She said. Jessica's eyes lit up with excitement. "So how did you manage to finally control her?" She asked with her eyes wide. Caitlin shook her head but before she could answer her eyes caught something on a TV screen nearby. "Jessica look." She told her. Jessica didn't ask questions and immediately looked at the screen. It was a news broadcast going live in downtown Central City.

"This is a major warning to those watching this, Killer Frost and Reverse Flash are on the loose once again." The news reporter said to the viewers. "Team Flash if you're listening, we need your help now." Killer Frost and Reverse-Flash were terrorizing the city and the figure Caitlin thought was also there fighting alongside them, but they never showed his face. There was something different about Killer Frost though, she almost seemed weaker than before. "Let's get out of here," Caitlin told Jessica. "I'm gonna need a ride." The two got up and went outside. They went around the corner and looked around to see if anyone was around. "K coast is clear," Jessica said. "Where to?" Caitlin still looked around to make sure the person wasn't around, it was to the point where she was immediately alert. Jessica shook her arm, she had almost forgotten the question. "Sorry um... Star Labs, quick." in a matter of seconds they reached Star Labs and raced into the Cortex.

The rest of the team was researching the bionic abilities Bree mentioned. "Uh, who is this?" Cisco asked, pointing to Jessica. Jessica walked over to his desk and gave him a stern look. "Shouldn't you be more worried about how you plan to defeat Reverse-Flash and Killer Frost at the same time?" She told him. Cisco's eyes went wide and he quickly pulled up the radar. The screen showed a yellow line speeding across the city for Reverse Flash and a massive amount of ice-cold energy throughout most of Central City. "All of Killer Frosts' damages only happened in a matter of seconds." Harrison Wells told everyone. "That doesn't make any sense, on my earth and when she and Caitlin were combined she was never that strong."

Suddenly Caitlin felt a sharp pain in her arms. She looked to find her arms turning white and then she had something that seemed like a vision. She saw Killer Frost, her powers weren't going where she wanted them to, she turned around to look at Caitlin. "Hello... me." She said weakly. Her eyes glowed pink instead of silver, and then Caitlin was back, in reality, her arms were back to normal but everyone stared at her. "Stop staring, we have to get out there." She said as she walked out of the room.

Jessica followed her until they reached a small lab where Caitlin grabbed Captain Colds' ice gun and placed it on the table. "Hey Jessica, can you go into the counter over there?" She asked as Jessica walked towards it. "There should be another version of the Quantum Splicer." Jessica used her speed to look through the cabinets and drawers until she finally found the Quantum Splicer. She grabbed it and took it to the table where Caitlin was taking out the main source of the cold gun's power. She placed the source into the new Quantum Splicer, a blue glow appeared and nothing became frozen. "Okay tell everyone it's time to go." She told Jessica. Jessica nodded and quickly ran off to tell the others. Caitlin took the Quantum Splicer and put it into her purse.

A few minutes later the two teams headed to the battle. Caitlin and Jessica stood in the background watching as the others fought. "Here you'll need this," Caitlin said, giving a big box to her. Jessica looked inside to find a suit similar to Barrys' Flash suit. "Run Jessica, run," Caitlin said, smiling. Jessica raced off and returned to the battle as Flash Bolt. "Hello, Eobard, ready to lose." Flash Bolt teased. Reverse Flash looked at her and her and laughed. "I don't lose to little girls." He said. Jessica quickly raced towards him and grabbed his arm, swung him into the air, and slammed into the ground in a matter of seconds. "How's that for a little girl," Jessica asked, pleased with herself. Not that far from the battle, Caitlin set off to find Killer Frost. She noticed an icy pattern growing larger as she walked towards the corner.

Around the corner was Killer Frost laying weak on the ground. "You came for me, why?" Killer Frost asked her. Caitlin looked at her and took the Quantum Splicer out of her purse. She put it onto her chest and it wrapped around her body. "We have a job to do." She said as she touched Killer Frost, a fog-swirled around them. As the fog cleared, a new Killer Frost emerged.

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