Fire and Ice/Returning Home

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As the battle continued in Central City, Jessica turned to find Killer Frost stepping out of the shadows. This Killer Frost was different from the others, she had a whole new look. Her skin was a light blue, she wore leather clothing, and both her hands and hair had turned into ice. Her frozen hair was now short instead of her long hair. "You might wanna stand back." She said as she walked past Jessica. Jessica quickly moved behind her. "Let's see what I've got." Killer Frost held out her hands and created the strongest ice blast she had ever thrown directly at Reverse-Flash.

Reverse Flash tried to dodge her attack but wasn't fast enough, his foot was struck and now had an ice spike pierced into it. "I should've known it would be you who would betray me." He told Killer Frost as she walked by him. "But Flash will never defeat me, I will never die!" Killer Frost turned to him annoyed, she had heard him say that too many times. She held the spike on his foot and jammed it further. "Where's the Arcturion? Killer Frost asked as Reverse-Flash yelled at the pain.

For the first time since she became Killer Frost, she was actually enjoying the name. She saw the terror in Reverse Flash's eyes and to her, he was the one who needed it most. "You have taken what was most important to so many people, Barry's mother, Ronnie, They died because of your actions!" She created another ice spike and was about to hit Reverse Flash with it until the rest of the team showed up. "Caitlin doesn't do this." The Flash said to her. Killer Frost looked at him, her silver eyes burned with rage. She couldn't believe what The Flash was saying. "If I don't do this he's going to hurt more people." She told him. The Flash kneeled beside her. "But if you do you change the timeline." He told her. The Flash had his own experience with messing up time, he had once created Flashpoint, an effect he's regretted ever since. Killer Frost looked at The Flash and then back at Reverse-Flash. "Why do you even care?" She said looking at The Flash with her cold silver eyes. "You did the same thing and we told you that every single day leading up to then to not and you just ignored everyone and screwed up everything." She created an ice spike and raised it above her head, prepared to strike Reverse-Flash.

Before she could put it through his chest, a fireball melted the ice spike and Killer Frost turned towards Kaz. Kaz put his hands up and shook his head. "That was not me." He said in his defense, he looked past Killer Frost. "It was that guy." He pointed behind Killer Frost, everyone looked and saw a man in a black hoodie and jeans with fire coming out of his hands. It was the same person who was following Caitlin earlier that day. "I'm sorry Cait, I couldn't let you do it." The man said. This shocked Killer Frost. "How do you know my name?" She asked with mistrust. For a few moments the man was silent, then he removed his hood to reveal his face. "Because you know mine." He said. The man had short black hair and was someone she knew. "Ronnie?" She asked with tears in her eyes. The man nodded and walked towards her and kissed her.

While they kissed, Caitlin and Killer Frost were separated into their original forms. "How are you here?" Killer Frost asked Ronnie. The kiss ended and Ronnie told them that he somehow ended up in another universe and Reverse-Flash blasted me with some pink rock creating another him. "Oh come on, you couldn't wait a bit longer to say that." Another voice said from behind Killer Frost, it was the second Ronnie Raymond. Killer Frost looked behind her and jumped into his arms. "Oh my god, I can't believe it!" She shouted with joy. The reunited duo kissed as Reverse-Flash stood up and rolled his eyes. "Oh great, you found your old dates. Now can you two get back to beating the enemy like you were ordered to already?!" He said in an angry mood. Both the Caitlin's and Ronnie's were ready to fight Reverse-Flash, Caitlin noticed her hands once again fogged, her powers were back. At the same time, all four Metahumans used their powers towards Reverse Flash and struck him just before he could go through a breach.

The second Ronnie went behind a bush nearby and pulled out the Arcturion and handed it the Skylar. "Thank you," Skylar told him. Oliver pulled out the wormhole device and sent everyone back to Star Labs. After a few hours of catching up with the Ronnies about what's happened since they left. "Okay so you went to another earth to see another version of yourself, who you ended up turning into, and now she's sitting right beside us with the other me," Ronnie asked Caitlin. Everyone in the room laughed and went on to tell stories about their adventures with others with other heroes, even the Elite Force had stories for not just their team but different teams. Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar were all from a special hospital called Mighty Med before it was destroyed. Bree, Chase, Adam, and Leo grew up with a scientist named Mr. Davenport who created Adam, Bree, and Chase's bionic abilities, Leo on the other hand was human and was giving his super strength when his right arm and left leg were broken at different times.

"Speaking of home, me and frosty talked about it and decided we're heading back to Earth 2." Ronnie 2 said. Killer Frost looked at him and nodded. "As fun as it's been here, we'd rather be back home where we know our place." She said to everyone. Caitlin nodded, it made sense to her, it's not like they needed more than one Caitlin Snow and Ronnie Raymond. She looked at Cisco who looked worried. "Cisco, what's wrong?" She asked him. Everyone turned to him and he explained that the last time they left Earth 2, something happened and he couldn't open a breach there ever since.

For a few moments, all hope went away for the Earth 2 couple about returning home. Skylar was sad for them, then she looked over and saw the wormhole device on a table nearby, she stood up and grabbed it. "You won't have to, I can take you back to Earth 2." She said. She explained that the machine takes them through different passages throughout the universe and will take them exactly where they want to go. Ronnie 2 and Killer Frost were already ready to go, but Killer Frost still wanted to say one last thing. "If you ever need us you know where we are." She told Caitlin, who agreed and told her that she could do the same. Killer Frost and Ronnie 2 joined Skylar, who told everyone she would be back in a few minutes. She then pressed a button and the group disappeared through a wormhole.

A few minutes passed and Skylar hadn't returned. "Should we be worried?" Cisco asked the Elite Force. Just as someone was about to answer, a wormhole opened and the machine shot out and hit a wall, causing severe damage as the wormhole closed. "Where's Skylar?" Oliver asked worriedly. Chase walked over to the broken machine and picked it up. "I'm not sure, but without this, there's no way she's coming back," Chase said holding the damaged machine.

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