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A few hours later, the five kids all sat in their cells to prevent them from escaping. Although they couldn't use their powers, everyone thought it was funny watching Kaz try to make his fire abilities work. Skylar quickly became annoyed and banged on the side of her cell making Kaz jump. "Give it up already!" She called out. "It's obvious that our powers don't work," She said before taking a breath. "And Oliver, don't even think about it!" She looked at Oliver who was about to punch the glass. "Relax, I got this." He said as he raised his fist once again.

He swung at the glass and punched as hard as he could, which did not end well. "Congratulations, you made a crack," Skylar said sarcastically. "Does anyone else have any ideas of how to get out of here?" Everyone stood in silence and looked around. "Well, the only way the powers will work is if we get out," Chase said to the others.

He pointed at the door leading to the Coretex. "Behind there is a machine that controls these cells but it's only available to the ones whose fingerprints match, like a human password." Everyone looked at him confused, how would he know what's back there, everyone was frozen when they were brought here. "Oh my god, we are so stupid," Bree told everyone. They all turned to look at Bree.

Meanwhile back at the Coretex, everyone was celebrating Caitlin's return. "It's good to have you back, Snow," Harry told her. Caitlin nodded, it was good to be back at Star Labs after all these years. "So, you guys find out anything about this group?" She asked as she headed over to Cisco and Gypsy at the computer.

Cisco started clicking his keyboard and pulled up multiple pages talking about the group and the space rock. "These kids are from a world where this rock is meant to destroy whoever touches it." He told everyone. "So as long as we have this group in the Coretex, they can't hurt anyone with it." He turned on the camera pointing at the team, but something was off. "Umm guys, where's Bree?" Iris asked worriedly.

Suddenly the screen went static as they noticed Bree wasn't in her cell. Barry quickly raced to the cells and wondered how she escaped. "Hey, where's Bree?!" He asked the group. The group stood silent, Barry knew that they knew something and was now frustrated. He opened Bree's cell and started to head inside. "Thanks, Flash." Barry heard Bree laugh.

Before he could react, a strong push knocked Barry backward. When he looked up Bree appeared in front of him, she had a mischievous grin on her face. "How did you do that?" He asked her as he rose to his feet. "Your powers aren't supposed to work in there." Suddenly the other cells all opened at once, the others stepped out. Barry noticed Chase's eyes were lighting up again. Bree laughed as she shook her head. "Superpowers yes, but I and Chase have bionic abilities." She told him. "Which are not affected by the cells."

Suddenly an alarm started going off and Barry glanced at the kids in frustration. "Come on let's go." He said as they headed to the Coretex. The rest of the team were surprised to see the kids had gotten in, but they could deal with them later. "What've we got Cisco," Barry asked.

Cisco pulled up a screen that revealed another breach above Central City. "There's some kind of energy flying around but it's constantly moving," Cisco said. "Even when it stays still the object itself still moves." Kaz's eyes grew wide and he grabbed Barry and turned him towards him. "You're gonna need our help for this fight." He told Barry. Cisco walked over to Kaz. "Why exactly should we trust you guys." He asked the team. The kids ignored him and headed off to the breach.

Team Flash exchanged glances and set off to find the object entering Central City. By the time they reached the location, the breach had closed. There was no sign of damage throughout the city, but Vibe and Gypsy both felt powerful energy surrounding them. The team looked around but saw nothing, even though they knew something was there. Suddenly Kid Flash noticed something at the corner of his eye and became suspicious. "Uh, guys, what is that?" He asked pointing towards an alleyway.

Everyone looked and saw a black swarm quickly moving towards them knocking them down. The next thing they knew more and more swarms appeared out of nowhere flying throughout Central City. These swarms were too fast for even the speedsters to catch, they went right through them instead of hitting them. Vibe and Gypsy tried to vibe a frequency that could stop the swarms. The swarm would be affected by the frequency enough to be knocked back, but another would strike them just as quickly.

The swarms began to all combine into one giant swarm and circle around them. "Anyone who has an idea better speak now!" Vibe called out as the swarm started making a screeching noise. Just then a blue light surrounded them and a wormhole appeared. When the wormhole vanished the kids appeared wearing black and blue suits.

Bree turned to look at Team Flash. "Don't worry, we got these guys." She told them as she walked towards the swarm. Chase created a force field covering everyone except for Bree. "Um Chase, what about your sister?" Vibe asked. Chase was trying to concentrate, he knew what he needed to do.

The group looked at Bree as her entire body began to glow brightly. Once her entire body was glowing she held out her arms and created a blast striking down the swarm. Chase let down the force field and he and the rest of the kids went after the swarms. As soon as each swarm hit the ground two people appeared. "You have got to be kidding me!" Kaz said in frustration. "I thought we were done with the shapeshifters!" Another swarm appeared in front of the shapeshifter army.

The swarm transformed into two kids that the new team didn't seem to like very much. "Roman and Riker," Skylar said in disgust, shaking her head. "What are you up to now?" Roman and Riker exchanged glances and then merged into a swarm similar to Firestorm, the army soon followed and scattered around them. "Hit them with everything we've got!" Chase told the team. "Skylar, Bree you two use any type of plasma or nuclear blast you have available. Oliver, Caitlin you two both have ice powers which can be enough to trap them for the time being. Everyone else keeps the army distracted, let's go."

Everyone agreed and quickly spread out, they had to try and get all the swarms in one place. The speedsters ran around causing some of the swarms to chase them and combine. Vibe and Gypsy used their powers to frustrate the army and they also ended up combining. "Kaz give me a boost!" Chase called out above him. Kaz quickly flew down and grabbed Chase. Once the two boys were above a few swarms Kaz let go of Chase who then created his lightsaber-like weapon and started hitting them causing them to come together.

Skylar and Bree went to separate sides of the swarms and created the blasts that Chase talked about causing each swarm to become one large swarm once again. "Oliver, Caitlin, do it now!" Skylar shouted. Caitlin and Oliver nodded and shot their ice at the giant swarm. Although they were using as much power as they could, the ice wasn't cold enough to harden completely and some other swarms started escaping.

Suddenly a large yellow plasma ball soared through the air striking multiple swarms, forcing them back into the larger swarm. After that two lasers shot at the rest of the swarms until they returned. Bree and Chase looked where they came from and saw two kids standing in white and black suits. One of the kids was a small black kid who looked more confident than he probably needed to be, the other was a tall white teenager who was ready for battle. "Adam, Leo!" Bree called out.

Leo and Adam smiled and headed to the group quickly. "Sorry, we're late," Leo said to Bree. "It took Big D a while to track your location, that and he wouldn't stop talking about himself again." It has been since Mr. Davenport loved to talk about himself anytime he got the chance.

Bree remembered a bionic ability of Adam's that would be useful right about now. "Adam, I need you to super blow the swarm and ice so it can become cold enough to be solid," Bree told him. Adam nodded and got into position. He blew as hard as he could towards the swarm, with it the ice spread even quicker and froze the swarm even faster. "I'll contact our friends at Star City to take this thing to their maximum prison for now." Vibe said. Everyone agreed and Bree and Chase thanked Leo and Adam for showing up when they did.

"Yeah we've been following them for a while, we had to warn you about something," Adam said to Bree and Chase. "We know who they're working with, but you're not going to like it." Leo shook his head and sighed. "I still can't believe it's him." He said to Adam. "Oh hey, you want to tell us anytime soon?" Chase said. Leo nodded and took a deep breath. "It's Crane, he's alive." He said. "And he's not happy.

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