Escape from earth 2

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The Flash, Vibe, and Mr. Terror searched Earth 2 for the Elite Force, but had no luck. They tried turning to doppelgängers of people that they knew could trust. There wasn't even any sign of Killer Frost or Deathstorm. "We searched through Central City and Star City." The Flash told the group. "If they're not here where could they be?" Meanwhile, somewhere else on Earth 2, The elite force waited in the cell as they waited for Scarlette to return. "I tried reprogramming the lock," Chase said, shaking his head. "Scarlette must've updated them to block our bionics now." And just like he did back in Central City, Oliver decided he was going to break the cell open. "Don't even think about it" A voice you said you're from behind and I am in another part itself, it was a woman's voice. The group turned around to find Killer Frost and Deathstorm in the cage beside them. "They caught you guys too?" Bree asked. Killer Frost explained that the minute they went through the portal into their earth someone decided to bring them to this other place and trap them in cages where they can't use their powers. "Unfortunately for you guys now Scarlet has a bionic working at her side." She revealed to the Elite Force. "They used the energy created from his bionic chip to activate the new system for the cells." Just then Scarlette entered the room once again seeming pleased with herself. "So tell me something Chase and Bree." She said as she walked towards the cell. "How does it feel to know that your own kind is going against you?" Killer Frost rolled her eyes, growing annoyed by Scarlette's interactions with her prisoners. She decided to walk up to the entrance of the cage and make a deal. "Okay scar listen up." She started. "You set me free, and I'll make sure that I and Deathstorm over here don't end up making you our next target." Killer Frost did go on to warn her that if she did not take the deal, because she wasn't afraid to turn her into her next little popsicle. "I don't think so Frosty," Scarlet said to killer Frost, believing that she knew her game. "I have enough backup as it is." She turned her back towards The group and went out the door. Killer Frost stayed at the cage door, cringing at the thought that she didn't take the deal. "What was that, killer Frost?" Bree asked her slightly aggravated. "Where are you seriously going to just abandon us like that?!" Killer Frost turned towards her. "Don't be stupid speedy, your powers don't work inside the cell..." Killer Frost explains. "... They might as well work outside, And then I would have frozen her long enough for the rest of us to escape." Bree stepped back and thought about what Killer Frost had said, that made a lot more sense than what she thought. She didn't know much about her and her abilities or anything to do with her world.

At that time, somewhere else on Earth 2, The three were still searching for the elite force. Suddenly Vibe got a vision in his head. It showed him a girl, either Skylar or Scarlette to be exact. It was exactly easy to tell. "Guys you might want to keep your guard up." He told Glenn. "Either Scarlette or Skylar is close." The flash and Mr. Terror nodded and looked around. Suddenly a voice came from behind them. "Thank God you guys are here!" The voice spoke. They turned around to find the girl standing there in what looked to be an older outfit of Skylar's'.The girl seemed frightened, and out of breath. "About time you guys got here, the others are right behind me..." She told them. "We gotta get out of here now!" She opened a portal and motioned them to follow her. The three of them did what she said thinking that maybe she could be leading them to the real Skylar if they were lucky. She must've known that they were on to her because before they even went through that portal she closed it immediately and began to fight. Unlike Skylar, She was stronger and didn't hold back on using her abilities to fight. The fight went on for a while, Almost feeling as if it was never-ending. It seemed as if something was draining their powers as they fought her. "I'm not sure how much more we can take of this!" Vibe called out. Just as they started to lose hope something strange happened. A strong force pushed back Scarlette, sending her flying through the air.

Vibe and got another vision in his head, it was of another girl, it was Phoebe. Was she a Metahuman on this earth? He turned to find a figure standing behind them, a hood covering their face. The figure walked towards them and uncovered her face, the vision was right. "It's a long story Cisco," Phoebe said. "I can use other than a human's powers as my own." She explained to them, then she opened the portal right beside her. "This is where she was headed." The group nodded and went through the portal and appeared at the Calderan cells where the group was located. "Finally you guys are here!" Skylar called out. "Now get us out of here!" The flash raced towards the cage to try and break it open but accidentally phased through it. "What just happened?" The Flash asked. His powers faded from him once he entered the cage. Vibe and Phoebe both tried to use their powers to break the door down but were unsuccessful. Mr. Terror tried blasting the door down, nothing seemed to work on this door. Killer Frost became confused. "I don't understand." She told them. "It's like she put some kind Calderan power lock on it." Then Phoebe had an idea. "Skylar, let me use your powers." She told Skylar. "Maybe they can work." Skylar agreed and walked over to the front of the cage. She held out her hands and Phoebe absorbed her powers, Copying them into her.

When the transfer was complete, Phoebe backed up from the cage and told everyone to stand clear. She then crossed her arms in the air as they slowly started to glow, then pushed them in front of her and let out a cosmic blast. The blast did more than just break down the door, it shattered the entire cell as if it was never there. "Great work, now let's get out of here. And "Vibe said to Phoebe as they ran out of the building. As they ran around the corner, Scarlette appeared in front of them, blocking their path. Phoebe then turned to Vibe and told him to distract her. Vibe wasn't sure exactly what to do, she wasn't in the easy distracting category. "Hey girl, let's talk about this." Vibe said it to Scarlette. "There's got to be something else you want besides to capture us." Scarlette shook her head and started to create a plasma blast of her home, but was caught off guard by Killer Frost and Deathstorm attacking her. "She's ready for you, Get going!" Deathstorm told the team. "We'll deal with her." The team rushed off and caught up with Phoebe who had created a portal back to Earth 1. Although they were worried about killer Frost and Deathstorm, they all hurried through the portal as fast as they could until they finally reached Star Labs, The portal closing behind them.

Meanwhile, a few hours later on Earth 2, Scarlette was walking through the hall of cages and prisoners she kept in her possession. She walked by one cell that held Killer Frost and Deathstorm. "What did I tell you Frosty." Skylight told her, smiling. "You shouldn't have tried to run away." She laughed and she walked away towards another cell. Inside the cell was a boy, who gave her a glare that was seen as a threat. Scarlette opened the cage and walked inside, not closing the door. "Something you want?" The boy asked her annoyedly. Scarlet knew that this person didn't like his time being wasted, But that doesn't mean she didn't like to push his buttons. "Come on Dalton, Don't be such a hothead." She teased him. Dalton grew angry and then slammed Scarlette against the wall. "You really want to pick a fight with me?" He asked, staring at her straight in the eye. "You have a whole lot of gut not closing that cage." Scarlet tried pushing back Dalton, she felt as if she was still in battle with Skylar when they used to train. "Release me now and I will let you go," Scarlette said, attempting to make a deal. Dalton smiled at her and then released her, his hand and suddenly burning with fire. "Oh yeah, you're releasing me." He said with a sinister smile. "But you can't be around to stop me." Dalton created a powerful fireball that sent intense heat around the cell. Dalton released the fireball and exited the cell as Scarlette turned to ashes. "She's right, you are a hothead." Killer Frost told him as he passed her cell. "Let us out of here and we'll help you with your revenge on the Elite Force." Hearing this made Dalton walk back towards her. "Where are they?" He asked her. Killer Frost shook her head at him. "You release I speak." She said pointing at the door. Dalton rolled his eyes and then created an intense heatwave that melted the cage door. "Now, tell me what I want to know." He said, raising a burning hand at her. "That is unless you wanna melt."

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