[M] God, The Angst Is Real

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The next morning the prince was gone. I woke up alone and it was kinda disappointing. He left me a note. Something about being gone all day because he had stuff to do. I chucked in the trash before I could read most of it. Knowing he was probably with Ekko just made my blood boil.

I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about Prince Cassius. So, my only option was to go back to sleep.

Maybe I wouldn't wake up.

That would solve my problems.


Around noon I finally stirred and everything came back. Fuck. I sighed and slid my feet off the bed. I wandered around the room, looking around. Everything was tidy and clean. Just like the prince.

I walked into the closet and inhaled the scent of him. It was kind of comforting actually. As I turned to leave something caught my eye. It was tucked under his jackets and behind his shoes. In curiosity, I pulled it out and stumbled backward. It looked like a shoebox, but it was old and tattered around the edges. My fingers peeled the lid off and inside it was full of photographs.

I picked the top one up and looked take the back.

Zisael, Cassius and Ekko, Detroit, 1973.

I flipped it over and stared at the picture. My heart dropped. Ekko was hugging Prince Cassius while Zisael was making faces in the background.

Why did I have to look in the box?

I sighed. I had to face it by now. Prince Cassius didn't want me. He just wanted to fuck. I guess that really was the only thing I was good at.

The sadness and anger washed over me like a crashing wave. I was so furious with him, with myself, but I was crushed too. Prince Cassius made me feel unlike anyone else. Like I was untouchable, the only person in the universe.

And then tears fell freely from my eyes. Hot and salty and angry. Trailing down my pale cheeks. I closed my eyelids and wrapped my arms around my shaking body.

I fucking hate him.


My body woke up before my eyes did, I could feel the soreness of my limbs, the stiffness of my joints. Everything was still quiet and groggy. Finally, my eyelids opened, vision blurry. I sat on the ground, shoulders slumped, legs crossed and feeling tired. The pain was there, I still felt miserable, but I wasn't going to cry about it again.

It appeared that I had fallen asleep again in the closet, the prince could come back at any minute. I quickly shoved the photo back in the box and pushed it back in it's hiding place

I rose to my feet and stretched, a satisfying pop reached my ears as I cracked my back. With a yawn, I dragged myself to the bed. It felt as though I had woken up in the middle of my nap and all I wanted was to sleep.

I plopped down on the comfy bed. Full starfish on my stomach. With a sigh, my wiry tail extended from my lower back, along with my wings. I was more comfortable this way.

I began to relax, but thoughts and fears kept bombarding my mind. So I just laid awake and still. I wasn't tired anymore. So, reasonably, I flopped around on top of the comforter until I was panting for air, 'cause that's what adults do. Yeah.

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