Suddenly// 8x10

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"Zola was our baby, and she's gone, and I don't want another baby"

"Ahh," Derek sighs opening the fridge. 

"What's wrong?" Meredith asks quietly, her head resting on the kitchen island. 

"Well there's no food, and I'm hungry," He mumbles, taking out something in the fridge. 

"mmm, I just ordered pizza," Meredith tells him. 

"For breakfast?" He asks taking out a plate in the fridge. 

"I've been up for 39 straight hours, it's dinner... Very late dinner," She tells him. "Ohhh, that cheese is ollldddd," She says, looking up from her place on the table. 

"I'm hungry, I might die," Derek says with a pleading look. 

"Don't eat the old cheese," Meredith tells him. "Come on, sit down with me" she commands as he starts walking over to her. "Put your head down," Derek looks at Meredith lovingly, a smirk on his face, as he sits on the stool, propping his head up with his left arm. 

"I could put a little salt on your nose, and take a bite," Derek says smiling, and poking her shoulder lightly. 

"Pizza will be here any minute," Meredith laughs. Meredith closes her eyes as Derek starts rubbing up and down her back. 

"We'll be okay, just the two of us. It's what you wanted," Derek tells Meredith softly. Meredith smiles. 

"I love you." At that Derek stands a little and kisses Meredith's cheek. He rubs her back a little more, and then the doorbell rings. 

"Pizza!" Meredith cheers. As she rushes over to the door, Derek looks at her in amusement.

"Don't start eating it without me," he says laughing. Meredith opens the door to reveal the delivery guy holding the pizza box. Meredith hands him a check, and grabs the pizza. She closes the door, and takes the pizza into the kitchen, smiling. Meredith sets the box between her and Derek as they both dig into the pizza, not caring about plates. 

After they are done eating they go into the living room, put in a movie, and lay on the couch together. Meredith's head rested on Derek's chest, her body laying in between his legs. Derek sits behind her, his nose buried in her hair, filling his nostrils with the lavender scent. They laid there in content of just being with each other. 

As a week had passed Meredith and Derek started giving up more hope of getting Zola back. Janet hadn't called them yet, but they were expecting a phone call, whether it be good or bad. 

As they got done with work that Thursday around 4:00, they went home and sat in the kitchen. Derek stared at Meredith as she stared off into space, a depressed look on her face. She didn't move or flinch. Not until her phone rang. 

She looked at Derek, who grabbed her phone. He answered it and put it on speaker. 

"Hello, it's Janet. I just wanted to let you know that um- Zola was put in to someone else's care," Janet speaks over the phone. 

"What does that mean?" Asks Derek. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shepherd. I tried, but the judge declined," Janet tells them. Derek looks at Meredith, but she's already staring back off into space. 

"Thank you," Derek barely gets out. 

"Again, I am so sorry," Janet says before hanging up. Derek turns Meredith's phone off, and looks at her. The tears in her eyes just sit there, they don't come out. She just stands there, no expression on her face. Derek moves from his place behind the island, and walks over to Meredith. He wraps her in a hug, she rests her head on his shoulder, but doesn't hug him back. After a minute of standing there, Derek lets her go. 

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