Drowning on Dry Land// 3x16

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"I have a thing for ferry boats."

Meredith's Prov.

I wake up to the warm feeling of Derek's arms. He kisses my bare shoulder, then my cheek, then my lips. I turn over to my tummy, Derek props himself on his elbows and starts rubbing circles on my back.

"Hmmm. We have to go to work," I say into my pillow, not making any move to actually get out of bed.

"No we don't, we can stay in bed," Derek says laughing. I smile and take a deep breath in.

"How about, we get up, get ready, and take a ferry ride, and then we can go get breakfast?" He asks, I smile and nod my head. He then kisses my lips and we get up to get ready for the day.

I decided on wearing a light blue, knee high, strapless dress with a dark grey sweater. It's now May, and Seattle is warming up nicely. Derek is wearing dark blue shorts with a white button up shirt.

"Did you call in?" I ask him as we both get in his truck. He turns the car on, and puts on some music, not to loud.

"I called the chief, he said it was fine that we come in later, but you are going to miss some of your triage practice," Derek says, pulling out of the drive way and going up the hill. I roll my eyes at the triage part, I just don't get why it's so important. Little did I know, it is very important.

Once Derek stops at the stop sign and then goes again. He rests his hand on my thigh, and I rest my hand on his.

The ride to the ferry dock is filled with talk, whether it be about how nice it is outside, or what surgeries we've been doing or have planned today, or how nice it is to just take half a day off.

When we get there, Derek parks the car, we get out, and we head to the dock. Derek pays and we hop onto the ferry. Derek and I go up to the 2nd floor of the ferry, onto the deck. By the time we get up there, the ferry is heading to Elliot Bay, the other side of Seattle.

I sit on the bench as I watch Derek as he takes in the view in front of him. The warm Seattle air floating around us, the blue waves crashing into the ferry, and the blue sky surrounding us. About 10 minutes passes when I decide to get up off of the bench and walk up to Derek. He grabs my hand and I rest my head against his shoulder. He kisses my forehead, and lifts his head back up.

"I like this. Me, you, our future. I want to keep doing this. Ferry boat rides, you, me, and our future!" Derek states. I lift my head up and smile at him. The peer to Elliot Bay is coming closer.

"Well, what if I told you that-"

I am cut off by the ferry making weird noises, a crashing noise, the sky falling, and Derek and I collapsing.


I can't feel anything, the pain is so bad. I'm lying. I can feel Derek's hand still holding mine. That's all I can feel. It's hard to breathe, like I have something on my chest. I look. A large piece of metal resting on my chest and abdomen, a giant piece of glass in my right hand, several little pieces of glass in my legs, and a chunk of wood in my shoulder.

I can't hear anything that well. Only the dripping that's coming from above of me. I try to look around as good as I can, but with a giant piece of metal on my chest, and a chunk of wood in my shoulder, I can't see anything that well. I can't see Derek. My heart rate goes up. Drip-Drip. I can't catch my breath. Drip-Drip. Hot tears spring down my face. Drip-Drip.

I want to apologize to Derek, tell him I'm sorry that I mostly likely will-

"Meredith?" I hear his voice, I try to steady my breathing as he squeezes my hand.

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