Tyson Adler Bain

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“It’s three am! Where have you been?” I looked up at Aunt B blankly. Her Ocean eyes stood out in the dark hallway. I sighed.

“Out.” I said pulling out box from my pocket. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“Tyson Adler Bain!” She said pulling the cigarette from my lips before I could take a drag. “How many times must I tell you no smoking in the house! And sneaking out of the house when you’re grounded is just unacceptable. My brother told me you were trouble, but this is plain disappointing. Not to mention the school called again saying you’re skipping classes.”

“Save the speech Aunt B. I’ve heard way too many times from my old man.” I said turning my heel, but she grabbed the back of my arm before I could go anywhere.

“What happened to you? You used to be so nice; a good boy. But then you got involve with those kids at school and now look at you.” I pulled away from her grasp and frowned.

“My life has got nothing to do with you so stay out of it.” I walked away without another word.

“This isn’t over young man! And take a shower you smell like cheep blood.” she shouted behind me. I didn’t look back and just kept walking. I went into my room and started pulling off my clothes. And that’s when I smelt IT. There on my bed was the grey wilder beast growling his evil eyes piercing into mine.

“Shit Leon what are you doing in my bed!?!” I said gripping the side of my dresser a little too hard. I turned on the lights to see behind the monster was a small figure, she seemed so fragile, but I knew she could pack a punch. I touched my eye and frowned a little. I was being a huge ass to her and I didn’t mean to it’s just I can’t lose my rep in front of the guys because of her. I tiptoed over to the bed. Leon growled and I threw a book at his face. “Shut up dog. I’m trying to apologize.” He didn’t even wince when I threw the thing at him; he just eyed me like he was going to eat me. I knelt down and looked at her sleeping face. I pulled a few stray hairs from her eyes. “Oz, I am so so-”

“Bitch I am trying to sleep.” My eyes widened as she pulled out a small dagger with a blue handle. Her eyes were still shut and besides the knife wavering in my face one would think she was still asleep. “Rule number one about girls: Do not disrupt their beauty sleep, unless you have a death wish. Now GET THE HELL OUT!”

“Right sorry.” I stood up and practically ran to the door. Something blue caught my eye as a reached for the door knob. Inches from the side of my face, was her dagger jammed into the wood.

“And I forgive you, so stop being a little bitch.” I looked back at her. Her eyes were still closed and she lay peacefully on the bed.

“So I could talk to you again?”

“You are now aren’t you?” I smiled.

“Thanks.” I said turning the knob.

“Um Ty,” she asked quietly. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep in my bed? “Can you shut off the lights before you leave, Leon can’t fall asleep when it’s on.” My eyes snapped toward the dog. He was whimpering and nuzzling his nose under Oz’s arm. How does he have more game than I do? I sighed and shut off the light. Suddenly something hit the back of my head.

“Ouch what was that for?” I said rubbing the bump that was forming.

“You hurt Leon I hurt you.” I opened my mouth to speak, but thought it was better to just shut up. “Good night.” She said yawing and snuggling into the dog.

“Good night” I whispered and shut the door.

After my shower I stole some of Trevor’s clothes and went to sleep in one of the guest rooms.

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