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Neil: I drifted away because of some personal stuff. It’s been a year and you’re still here! Kind of surprising.

Her: First of all, I didn’t miss you THAT much. I didn’t even recognize your name for fuck’s sake!

Neil: Ouch. That hurts, Cel.

Her: Seriously, though. A fucking boner?!

Neil: I was just messing with you! I know for a fact the word “boner” always gets you. ;)

Her: You haven’t really changed. -_- Btw, your letters are still kept under my freakin’ bed. You just stopped sending. Bummer.

Neil: Personal stuff I repeat! :D So how’s my Celestine?

Her: I’m good I guess haha. I actually have a new friend.

Neil: A new friend? You replaced me?

Her: I didn’t. It’s not a rule to not have new friends when you’re gone. His name is Luke. LukeWebster. Actually, he’s not really “new” to me.

Neil: Wow, he’s a guy. You’re totally breaking my heart. </3 You never talk to other guys except me.

Her: Can you stop being a drama queen?

Neil: *king :P

Neil: Well let me know the "guy".

Her: Wait, what are you going to do?! Please don't. I warn you. I will stab your fucking gums I swear! Neil!

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