Heroes Join Forces Pt. 2

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Seeing Kara's unconscious form behind Kara II, Barry's eyes filled with lightning. He took a breath and sprinted forward towards Kara, hoping to get the Kryptonian out of harms way. Before he could reach Kara, Kara II grabbed him by the throat and lifted the Speedster into the air. His feet no longer touched the floor, gasping for air as Kara II slowly and agonisingly crushed his windpipe. She laughed at his pathetic attempts to pry himself from her grasp, tipping her head back as he weakly punched her wrist, merely hurting himself in the process. He cried out in desperation for the aid of Earths Mightiest Heroes but Kara II had them in a tight spot. If they opened fire, Barry would take the bullets, and if they even flinched, Kara II could snap Barry's neck like a brittle tree branch.

"Let him go, Kara." Oliver growled, and Kara II merely tightened her grip on Barry's throat. His pathetic attempts to break free from Kara II's hold were slowly down, and Barry went limp in her grasp. He tightened his grip on his bow n' arrow, narrowing his eyes at the Kryptonian who merely smirked. Her arrogance was beyond infuriating, and Oliver realised it must have been how Felicity felt when Oliver rushed headfirst into danger without accessing the situation.
"Let. Him. Go." Oliver repeated himself and Kara II rolled her eyes, opening her fingers. Barry fell from her grasp and collided with the cold concrete floor with a solid thud, completely motionless. No one knew if Barry even had a pulse but Barry had been through a lot worse at the hands of Reverse Flash, Zoom, and Savitar.

"Drop the act, Ollie." Kara II spoke Oliver's name with a sultry, sly tone. It made Alex feel sick to the stomach, very much similar to Kara's tone under the influence of Red Kryptonite. She took a step forward, nudging Barry with her foot. He didn't respond to the physical stimulus and Oliver knew that was a bad sign. He could see Kara's hand slowly reaching towards Barry and it would've warmed his heart if not for the dire circumstances.
"Your pathetic, juvenile, and barbaric weapons are worthless against me!" She eyed the entire group, especially Alex who had her handgun aimed right in between Kara II's eyes.


Kara II rolled her eyes as the arrow left the string with a satisfying snap. She didn't even flinch as the arrow sailed through the air, until the lead disengaged from the tip, splintering off into various directions until an emerald green tip was revealed. Her eyes went wide but it was too late, the arrow penetrated her shoulder, embedded itself into her flesh. She gasped and grabbed the arrow, hissing in pain as the Kryptonite damaged her cells. She glared at Oliver, hatred billowing beneath the surface. She ripped the arrow out of the wound with an animalistic snarl, flicking it towards Oliver even faster then his bow could possibly fire.

Oliver grabbed one of the bolts strapped to his thigh and flicked it toward the arrow, they met halfway and bounced off each other, and metal clattered on the concrete floor beneath them. He smirked and tightened his grip on his bow, knuckles turning white. She floated off the ground, letting one of her knees bend slightly. Her eyes scanned the entire line up of heroes, scoffing at the sight. They weren't capable of taking her down, even the Martian was no match for her superior physicality. She felt unstoppable in the face of the DEO and Cadmus, but Kara II wasn't going to stand alone in this fight. There was an old saying Krypton and Earth shared; if you can't beat them, join them. She floated to the ground, walking backward slowly until she was standing in between Lillian and Hank.

"Kill them all," Kara II had no remorse as she spoke, glaring at Lillian over her right shoulder. She looked at Barry and Kara laying in the middle of no mans land, jealous consuming her instantly. "Except for Barry, I want him alive. And save Supergirl for me, I'm going to kill her myself." She floated into the air which made everyone of the heroes immediately flinch, Kara II cackled in response. Lillian grabbed her gun and aimed it at Alex who completely froze, overwhelmed by the image in front of her. No one dared make a move in case Lillian would fire and kill Alex dead.

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