Heroes Join Forces Pt. 1

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Flying high above the clouds of National City was tranquil for Kara. She let go of all she felt and let the wind fly by without a care in the world. Truth be told, Kara didn't have a care in the world to begin with. She'd repaired the damage she'd done under the Red Kryptonite's effects, her relationship with Barry was flourishing and National City had welcomed back its Supergirl with welcome arms after her absence. However one thing kept ticking away in the back of her mind, Lena Luthor hadn't spoken to Supergirl in some considerable time. Of course she'd spoken to Kara daily but short conversations between the Super and the Luthor often lead to both parties having a rather enjoyable day. She thrusted her arms forward and flew below the clouds towards L-Corp. On her way, Kara spotted Barry zipping around National City, yellow lightening following shortly afterwards.

It wasn't like National City resented their Blur for any particular reason. In fact they adored the Scarlet Speedster's presences. Many news outlet, including CatCo were reporting on the romance between the Blur and Supergirl after an image of their kiss was published. At first Kara was hesitant to have the whole of National City knew Barry and herself's connection but a lot of criminals now knew if they garnered the attention of one hero, the other wasn't too far behind. Combined, the Blur and Supergirl were an unstoppable force. No one dared to test the Scarlet Speedster and Girl of Steel on their best day.

Landing on the L-Corp balcony Lena had built specifically for Supergirl's convenience, Kara stepped inside with a smile plastered across her face as Lena looked up from the possibly classified schematics on her laptop screen and returned the smile immediately to greet the Kryptonian. They both usually met under awful circumstances but Kara prayed to Rao that today would be different. Maybe a Super and a Luthor could enjoy an afternoon discussion together without a word ending event rearing it's ugly head their way.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Supergirl?" Lena smiled and clapped her hands together, emerald eyes piercing into Kara's soul from across the room. Kara chuckled and walked inside, standing with her hands on her hips at the corner of Lena's table. She avoided Kara's mannerisms to further hide her identity. It wasn't anything personal but enough people already knew Kara's secret.
"Nothing major I hope. I have quite a lot of work to do, I hope the end of the world can wait" Lena winked and sat down behind her desk, eyeing Kara curiously as if she were studying the Kryptonian.

"I merely wanted to see you, Ms. Luthor. It's been a while and I figured we could have at least one conversation without the fate of the world hanging in the balance." Kara chucked in response and aimlessly walked around Lena's office and examined details she'd overlooked as Kara Danvers during their many lunch appointments.
"I heard you helped Kara Danvers with some boyfriend trouble, I think she's grateful for it." Kara smiled softly towards Lena who quirked a brow with a smirk, causing Kara's heart rate to elevate.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself as well, Supergirl. I published an article at CatCo about your new romantic interest." Lena rolled her eyes playfully as the Girl of Steel scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. Lena only laughed at the reaction she'd gotten out of Supergirl and shook her head with a smile.
"No need to feel embarrassed, in fact I'm rather jealous. He must have amazing stamina." Lena winked with a lick of her lips and Kara's eyes went wide as her pupils dilated.

"Ms. Luthor!" Kara gasped loudly, narrowing her eyes as Lena who matched her glare with a playful sense of competition. Returning her gaze to her laptop, Lena tucked her hair behind her ears happily. One smug grin plastered across her face as she was quite proud of garnering that reaction out of the Kryptonian without much of an effort.
"Gross... Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!" Kara stuck her tongue out and shook her head, playing along jokingly. She continued to walk around Lena's office after shaking off the embarrassment Lena had thrust upon her.

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