Healing Process

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Kara knew she couldn't possibly run from her mistakes forever. It was time to pick herself up, dust herself off, and do what needed to be done. She had a lot of apologies to make, but Alex was first and foremost on that rather long list.
It was late at night and Alex would most likely be at her apartment, rather then the D.E.O; Kara wasn't entirely ready to face everyone at the D.E.O. quite just yet. She walked up to Alex's door and swiftly knocked.
Was that too loud? Was that too quiet? She brushed off her socially awkward thoughts, and waited impatiently for Alex to open the door. It had been almost twenty seconds and Kara was getting worried. If something had happened to Alex they'd have left on the worst possible terms imaginable. She didn't want to x-ray the room in case Alex had a 'guest' over for the evening, instead settling for a verbal confirmation.

"Alex? It's me. It's... Kara." Kara hated how utterly weak and pathetic she sounded as she spoke. She wanted to be strong, and to face the consequences of her actions but her own self doubt kept creeping it's way back into her force.
"I- I know you're mad at me, I'm- I just want to talk to you. Can you open the door, please?" She called out, only loud enough to perhaps stir Alex from her slumber but not wake anyone else up in the apartment complex. Without a response, Kara decided she wasn't going to back down from her mission. She didn't want to go home until she'd made amends with Alex, opting to sit at Alex's door, perhaps all night if she had too. She tugged her knees close to her chest, and closed her eyes. It was going to be a long night, but Kara was dedicated to making things write.

After only a few minutes, Kara became restless. She needed to fiddle with something to keep herself from going insane. She could play idle, addicting games on her phone to pass the time, or she could get a head start on making amends with Barry. She'd practically squandered her chances of ever building a life together, but she could at least salvage their friendship. She'd forced herself upon him under the influence of Red Kryptonite, and he'd managed to profess his love not once, not twice, but three times under terrible circumstances but Kara had never gotten a proper chance to say it back. There was no way Barry would even consider a life with Kara after everything she'd put him through.

Pulling out her phone, Kara quickly found Barry's contact and her heart immediately began to pound deep inside her chest. How would she start off a conversation with Barry after all she'd done? She tried out a few different conversation starters but decided simplicity was the key. Instead of throwing him in the deep end with a three page essay on why she was sorry, Kara elected to let him decide for himself if he even wanted to listen. She owned him that much.

"Hey, Barry" - 1:06 AM

Kara typed into her phone, and felt her heart skip a beat as the message was delivered. It took mere seconds before she saw Barry typing a response and pushed the phone into her chest, hiding the screen from her view. It was the moment of truth and Kara felt sick to her stomach with anxieties flooding her mind, never once offering her even a second of piece.

"OMG, Kara! Are you okay??? Where are you???" -1:06 AM

Both a massive smile and giggle erupted from Kara as she read the message Barry replied with. She did feel a little guilty that he was worried for her safety, but he hadn't immediately refused a conversation with her, and he surprisingly didn't seem mad. Kara could always pick up on peoples texting habits which was a blessing and a curse.

"I'm fine, I promise. I'm back in National City." -1:06 AM

Kara replied swiftly, staring at the screen as tears began to well in her eyes, blurring her vision. How could Barry still care so much for her? She'd done terrible, perhaps unforgivable things to him. Instead of being mad at her, Barry was worried for her safety. Truth be told, Kara had fallen in love with him mainly for his heart. No matter how much the universe tested him, Barry Allen never gave up. It was endearing and a quality Kara yearned to posses. Being around Barry made her feel like a better person, both as Kara Danvers and Supergirl.

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