Right & Wrong

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There was little to no chance Kara was going to get to sleep. She needed some serious advice from someone who knew what they were talking about. Alex was busy canoodling with her newest extraterrestrial acquaintance, and J'onn had enough on his mind with M'yrnn and he wasn't exactly the best when it came to relationships. Her only option left was Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp.
Lucky for Kara, Lena Luthor didn't know the meaning of the word sleep. She quickly dressed herself comfortably and left her apartment, being extremely quiet as to avoid waking Barry up who, for the first time in nearly a week, wasn't suffering from a nightmare or bad dream.
She locked the door behind her and stuffed her keys in her purse, walking out of her apartment building and making the decent walk to L-Corp to meet Lena for what she hoped would be a truly insightful and deep conversation. Maybe she could get the answers she was racking her brain, searching desperately for.
Did Barry Allen truly love Kara Danvers?

Inside of L-Corp, Lena was sitting behind her desk, sifting through the seemingly endless stream of incoming emails. With Samantha's help, Lena found the hard work being easier to handle with a partner to share the work load with. She adored having Samantha around, and Kara's affection towards the both of them.
After the incident with Morgan Edge accusing Lena's faulty Lead Bomb design of poisoning children — the design which had expelled the Daxamites from Earth, stopping Queen Rhea's invasion — Lena had found something in Samantha and Kara she never thought she'd ever experience.
She felt protected, cared for, and loved. Samantha's daughter, Ruby, had a friend that got sick of Lena's alleged miscalculation and Samantha was still willing to let Lena stay in her home until things died down. She'd never forget that kindness, and she could never repay the debt she owed to Samantha and Kara for ignoring her self deprecating pleas to drop it, and working together to prove her innocence. Morgan Edge couldn't be tied to the crime however, but Supergirl was keeping a close eye on him.

Kara walked into Lena's office and gently closed the door behind her, shuffling across the massive office closer to Lena who had perhaps not registered she was there yet. Lena always got lost in her work and Kara found that endearing and admirable, although a little frustrating at times when she'd miss a lunch date because of a meeting she'd forgotten about.

"One sec," Lena smiled at her computer monitor and slammed her pointer finger into the enter key, leaning back in her chair and letting out a massive groan. "Five hours of answering emails, I need a drink."
She stood up and smiled at Kara, patting the Kryptonian on the shoulder as she walked past towards her liquor cabinet. "Would you like one? You look like you could use something to take the edge off." She poured herself a glass of whiskey and put the bottle back in the cabinet.

"Uh... I'm uh, I'm good, Lena. Thank you! It's not that I don't want to have a drink with you... I mean you're nice and I... I just don't drink..." Kara let her sentence derail itself and put her head in her hands, mimicking Lena's previous groan of annoyance, only louder. Lena sat behind her desk and took a sip of her drink.

"Talk to me, I'll listen. Something tells me you didn't just show up at two in the morning for casual chit chat." Lena smiled and leans forward, offering Kara some support. "I know that look your eye. Somethings bothering you but you're not quite sure exactly why it's bothering you."
As Lena spoke, Kara blushed heavily. Lena knew her all to well and it was surprising that Lena still hadn't figured out Kara Danvers and Supergirl were one and the same.

"Um... my friend came from out of town recently after breaking up with his fiancé. He's been staying with me for over a week and we went out tonight for drinks, Alex's idea, I figured it'd be good for Barry. I was going to take him home, I didn't drink because I know he likes to get drunk. He's so cute when-" She realised she was starting to ramble and Lena was smirking with a raise of her eyebrow, eyeing up Kara curiously. She knew exactly where this was going but she was totally invested in Kara's rendition of the story. "He got drunk and he hugged me, I didn't know what to do and he..." She took a deep breath and smiled brightly despite herself "He told me he loved me, Lena! I- I don't know if it was because he was drunk, or because he really does. I'm so confused." She ran her hands through her messy locks and looked at Lena desperately. "Why can't life just be simple?" She tried to gently joke and break the tension.

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