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Returning from Kara II's funeral, Kara was - to say the least - emotionally drained.
She'd recited the prayer, guided her into Rao's light and sent her to the other side of the universe to be at peace. No one else - besides Kal - was allowed to attend. But Oliver, Barry, and the Legends offered their support, which made Kara feel a little better. She'd be eternally grateful for all of them forgiving her doppelgänger, offering Kara II some peace as a result before falling into an eternal slumber.
She wiped her eyes of tears and walked into Lena's office, knowing full well she owed the CEO of L-Corp an explanation for her actions. She expected to be met with passive aggressive stares as she shuffled into the office of National City's second most powerful woman, but instead her eyes were soft, understanding - and above all else - loving.
She held her arm in a sling, courtesy of the Waverider's fabrication machine the Legends used to garner outfits relevant to the time period they find themselves in. It could even recreate old clothes and weapons, such as Oliver and Sara's equipment after losing it to the Dominators.

"How was the funeral?" Lena didn't hold back, Kara admired that. She didn't want to beat around the bush, Lena knew exactly where she was, and it was a relief being able to express herself as Supergirl to Lena. Despite having a terrible past forty-eight hours, Lena didn't let it affect her. She came to terms with everything she'd learnt. Parallel universes, time travel, emerald archers, and scarlet speedsters. She didn't let it dim her spirit. Kara was about to cry. Lena was far stronger then Kara ever could be, and it made the Girl of Steel realise something. Powers didn't make the hero, spirit made the hero.
Biting her lip to stifle a sob threatening to escape her throat, Kara slumped into Lena's couch with an exasperated sigh.

"It was peaceful, Kal and I flew her above the clouds. She'll be at peace in Rao's light, I- I hope. I don't know the procedure with Black Kryptonite doppelgänger. But if Rao's truly cares about all Kryptonians, I know she'll be at peace." Kara let out a soft smile, looking at Lena, eyes shifting towards her broken arm. She frowned at the sight of it, Kara wasn't strong enough to protect her best friend, and it made her feel powerless.

"How's the arm? I heard Gideon gave you all clear." She attempted to force a smile but it faltered shortly afterwards.

"According to Ms. Lance, I'll be able to have full use of it within a fortnight thanks to Gideon's regeneration technology. Truly fascinating. I should have L-Corp look into something similar." Lena's smile was genuine, Kara's wasn't. There was tension it the air, and you could've cut through it with a pair of scissors with a satisfying snap.

Kara awkwardly shifted in the chair, and Lena let out a low sigh. She knew there was unresolved issues, but she couldn't bring herself to put them out there. The Luthor in her screamed at her to suppress her feelings, drown them in alcohol and move on with her life. But seeing that look in Kara's eye melted her stone heart.

"I'm sorry, Kara. I'm sorry the Luthors took something else from you, I'm sorry I kissed Mr. Allen. It was all-"

"Lena. Stop." Kara cut her off, and Lena frowned, fearing she'd overstepped her boundaries. She arched her back, preparing to let their friendship turn to a professional working relationship, nothing more, nothing less. But she was snapped out of her self deprecating thoughts when Kara reached across the table to grab her hand. She gasped with eyes wide as Kara massaged her knuckles.
"I should be apologising to you, I lied to you for months, and I am so sorry," She frowned and felt her bottom lip quiver. "If I hadn't been so selfish as to hide my true identity away from you, I know none of this would've happened. You could've been prepared! But instead my selfishness got another person I love hurt. You don't have to apologise for kissing Barry, I know it was just to stop Kara II. I trust you both." She smiled softly and Lena's eyes filled with tears. Lena was on the verge of tears, as was Kara. Instead of hiding their feelings, the two women stood up and wrapped each other in a warm, comforting embrace as they cried into the others shoulder.

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