Unexpected Reunion

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National City was keeping Supergirl extremely busy over the past few days. There was never a dull moment with the Girl of Steel and despite the healthy distraction it offered, Kara was getting frustrated that every time she got comfortable, another building caught fire, another alien decided to extract its selfish revenge on National City, or another cat got stuck up a tree. Luckily Lena had been busy at L-Corp so she didn't notice Kara popping in and out of CatCo every twenty minutes or being extremely exhausted constantly. She couldn't do this alone, and National City didn't quite trust the Martian Manhunter quite yet. Superman was dealing with an extraterrestrial threat outside of Earth so Kal-El was unavailable for the foreseeable. Kara needed someone National City trusted in order to aid her in her crusade.

Barry jumped out of the breach and landed in unfamiliar territory, scanning the room for any signs of Kara. He didn't have a lot of time to look before D.E.O. agents surrounded him, aiming their rifles at him. Being able to take in information faster then an average human, Barry realised they weren't bullets, instead tranquillizer darts. At least the D.E.O.'s immediate thought wasn't to shoot on sight. Slowly lowering the duffel bag to the floor, Barry raised his hands slowly in a surrender.

"Identify yourself," Agent Collins barked at the Scarlet Speedster, refreshing the grip on his weapon. Barry looked to the sides, counting through amount of agents immediately surrounding him that he could currently see in case they didn't believe his story and decided to shoot anyway. He wouldn't lay a finger on them, instead make a run for that open window and find Kara before the D.E.O. sent a taskforce to either eliminate or bring him in.

"My name is Barry Allen, I'm-" Barry could easily dodge bullets because the explosion that propelled the projectile forward was a dead give away and a warning to get out of the way. However the D.E.O.'s weapons were almost silent when they fired, and Barry felt a small prick in his neck. His hand searched for the projectile and pulled it out, realising his vision was going incredibly blurry. "No I'm... I know... I'm friends with..." He collapsed to the floor in a heap, vision filling with darkness gradually.

"Put him in a cell, confiscate his belongings" Agent Collins ordered the men under his command. One of them grabbed the duffel bag Barry had brought over from Earth-1 but before any of them could lay a finger on the Scarlet Speedster, two red boots were standing in front of Barry, seemingly protecting him from the D.E.O. agents who'd ambushed and tranquillised him. Barely able to comprehend any noise besides the loud ringing in his ears, Barry managed to make out the voice of Agent Collins, and a feminine voice who perhaps wasn't entirely impressed. He wasn't able to make out the conversation taking places a metre above him, doing his absolute best to focus on staying conscious. Feeling all the D.E.O. agents walk away by the banging of their boots on the metal floor beneath him. Taking a look up, Barry was barely able to make up the figure of his saviour and smiled lazily, closing his eyes when he knew he was safe. Luckily, Kara had swooped in before anything got truly out hand. She picked up the Scarlet Speedster in her arms and gave him a sad smile, feeling somewhat guilty for the events that had transpired over the past few minutes. Eventually, Barry gave into slumber and fell unconscious in Supergirl's arms.


It had been only a few hours before Barry's body finally managed to metabolise the drug in his system. Sitting up slowly, Barry had no idea where he was but, luckily, he wasn't at the D.E.O., locked in a cell with a bunch of armed agents pointing their guns at him anymore. After managing to sit up, Barry looked around and couldn't quite place his finger on where he was. He was in what appeared to be a bedroom of an apartment judging by the supreme view from the window out into what he assumed was National City. The walls were a soft cream colour and there were clothes scattered around everywhere on the floor. He laid back down and closed his eyes, scrambling to recover any information that might give him any indication of where he was.

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