Join Or Die

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Alex had decided it was best to retreat to her apartment after receiving treatment and pain medication for the injury she'd so stupidly inflicted upon herself. She honestly couldn't blame Kara as much as she'd like to, Alex knew punching a Kryptonian in the face wouldn't end well, but that comment about Jeremiah pushed her over the edge. That was beyond cruel, Alex didn't know how she could forgive her baby sister for that. It wasn't like Lillian was controlling Kara or manipulating her thoughts into being something they weren't. That was the real Kara Zor-El, Daughter or Krypton. Not Kara Danvers, Alex's beloved sister and National City's very own Supergirl. She struggled to even cope with the idea of seeing Kara again under the influence of Red Kryptonite. It wasn't that Kara was being mean, it was that this manipulative personality wasn't created, only clawed out by the Red Kryptonite.

Barry had been instructed by J'onn to bring Alex back into the fold. He was going to come and see her anyway, but J'onn was to quick on the draw. Winn had driven him to her apartment complex and given him the number of her specific room. He could have found it himself if it weren't for the severity of his injuries preventing him from accessing the Speed Force without falling flat on his face. You never realise how slow everything goes until you can do it in the blink of an eye.

Walking up to Alex's room, Barry knocked loudly but not so loudly as to frighten her. He didn't want to be shot a third time today. Planting his hand on the side of the door for support as he patiently waited for Alex to either open the door or warm him to stay away. Seconds turned to minutes without a single response and Barry knocked again, louder this time. Instantly regretting it as Alex ripped the door open and aimed her gun right between his eyes.

"Damnit, Barry! I could've shot you!" Alex scolded Barry and put her gun back in her thigh holster. "You should go, I don't want to talk 'about my feelings' right now." She spoke in a broken manner, clearly shaken up by the whole ordeal. "Just go, please." She whispered and went to shut the door but Barry placed his hand on it, using all his remaining strength to keep it open. He nearly collapsed but his determination to right what Kara had wronged kept him going.

"No. But you should, I-" He nearly collapsed but managed to prop himself up on the doorframe as he held his stomach. "Can I come in? J-Just for a bit?" He managed to get out as he felt dizzy and his vision started to blur temporarily. Alex rolled her eyes but helped Barry to her couch None the less, dropping him into it less then gracefully. "Thanks."

"I only did it so I didn't have to drag you inside, Barry." Alex hissed and went into her kitchen, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the cupboard and pouring herself a glass. "You saw how Kara was acting." She smiled weakly and shook the bottle "Want some, Speedster?" She asked, clearly already having had a few by the way she was nonchalant about the whole ordeal, especially her broken wrist.

"I can't get drunk." Barry shook his head slowly "Even if I could I don't want to drink on antibiotics. You know me, I'm-" Alex slammed her glass down on the counter and shot him a dangerous glare as he continued to speak and artificially break the tension between the two. She was a D.E.O. agent and she knew exactly what Barry was trying to do.

"No. I don't know you, Barry Allen. I don't know a single damn thing about you! All I know is that my sisters care more about some meta-human she's only met a few times then her own family that raised her, protected her, and loved her!" Alex was shouting now and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "What makes you so special?! You've got powers. Big deal, I could flatten you in a heartbeat and yet she chooses you over me!" She threw her glass at Barry who narrowly dodged the glass as it shattered on the wall behind him. "She's smitten for you but couldn't care any less about her own fu-" She cut herself off and downed the rest of her glass. Barry hadn't even spoken a single word since Alex had fired of at him. "What are you doing here anyway? Come to gloat? Come to tell me my sister is a good person deep down? Tough. After what I just heard I can't forgive her." She looked at the Scarlet Speedster through her tears "I. Won't. Forgive. Her."

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