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Barry walked into CC Jitters wearing his perfectly fitted black tuxedo, bow tie, and suspenders underneath his jacket. Seeing everyone mingling together was honestly heart warming; Sara and Alex had hit it off immediately after meeting earlier on in the day. Oliver and Ray were sharing stories over a glass of champagne. Felicity, Cisco, and Winn were getting along incredibly well, and Mick was drinking at the bar. Barry had thought ahead and given Mick his own cooler filled with his favourite beer. Lena and Harry were discussing L-Corps latest designs and despite himself, Harry was actually offering constructive feedback in a friendly way.

"Hey." Barry turned to see Clark walking towards him, arm outstretched, offering a handshake. Barry immediately took his hand and shook it, suddenly being crushed by Superman's strength.

"If you hurt Kara, I don't care how fast you run, I'll find you." About to say something in response, Barry found a sense of relief when Clark let go of his hand and laughed loudly. "I'm just kidding, I'm happy for the both of you, Bar. Kara's very lucky to have you." He opened his arms and hugged Barry swiftly.

"Thank you, Clark. It means a lot to have your blessing, I know you worry about Kara a lot." Barry returned the hug and laughed quietly, genuinely meaning his words. Kara would be devastated if Clark didn't find Barry to be worthy, and Barry would be worried for his own safety.

"I still meant what I said." Clark whispered threateningly and took a step back, winking at Barry before walking off to talk with Harry. Sighing in relief, Barry looked around for any sign of Kara as he hadn't quite seen her yet. He looked up to the second floor of Jitters and saw Kara, Caitlin and J'onn talking. Kara looked over the railing and saw Barry looking up at her with beady eyes.

"Excuse me." Kara mumbled and walked down the small flight of stairs, skipping towards Barry and jumping into his arms. Barry managed to swing her around and put her down gently so they traded places on the floor, despite the bruising on his ribs that was going to show up tomorrow. "It's so good to see you! You look... handsome." Kara stood on her toes and pecked Barry's lips sweetly. "It's nice seeing everyone together, I usually only see everyone when things go wrong. This is a nice change of pace." She admitted and linked arms with Barry.
"How are you enjoying tonight? I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Kara could barely contain her excitement and Barry found it to be rather attractive.

"It's great, I love seeing Oliver actually pretending to be a functioning member of society from time to time." Both Kara and Barry shared a laugh as they walked across the floor, passing by individual groups. After passing by Mick, Barry heard a familiar grunt and stopped to turn around. "What's up, Mick?"

"Nice catch, Red." Mick took a swig of his beer and Barry only laughed while Kara blushed a little. Oliver looked over to see Barry and Kara standing there talking to Mick and raised a puzzled brow in response. Ray only smiled as he knew exactly what was going to happen. Deep down, Mick was a big soft teddy bear with a gun that could melt flesh.

"That's really sweet Mick." Barry went to open his arms for a hug when Mick growled "Thank you-"

"You hug me, I'll kill you." Mick grumbled and turned around, finishing off the rest of his beer and stumbling off to find his cooler to get another beer. There was going to be alcohol at the wedding, so Barry had no doubt Mick would be showing up tomorrow, despite his interests of not being put through a boring ceremony he couldn't care less about. It meant a lot that he'd even showed up in the first place, but Barry and Kara both knew the reason he was there.

For the rest of the night, Barry and Kara wandered around to speak to pretty much everyone individually. Everyone offered their congratulations or expressed their happiness that after months of will they, won't they, Barry and Kara were finally about to be married. No one seemed as excited as Oliver Queen. Much to Kara's surprise, Oliver had actually caught her alone and offered his congratulations in a meaningful way that she never expected from the Emerald Archer. He gave Kara a small necklace with an arrow on it, as both a token of his gratitude for her saving his life during the Dominator Invasion, and for making his best friend the happiest man alive. He wasn't at hugger, but Kara wasn't going to give him a choice in the matter.

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