Girl Of Steel & The Scarlet Speedster

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[Authors Note: I'm back! Man, I'm so glad I took that week off to get these done. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. (I got wasted on New Years Eve... Oh boy, I barely remember it. Best. Night. Ever.) Anywho, I know this chapter isn't as long as the others, and I'm sorry about that. But I did extend this story from fourteen chapters to fifteen so I can make up for that! There won't be anymore breaks between now and the end of Heroes Join Forces, so I'll be back to regular publishing. Thanks for sticking around, I appreciate the support on my decision. Enjoy! :)]

Unsurprisingly, Supergirl's welcome back to National City was rather warm. But in her absence, CatCo had been publishing various articles on the Blur. He was on the front cover of every woman's magazine, and Kara felt somewhat jealous. No matter where she went, Kara would always hear people talking about how the Blur must be so handsome underneath the mask, as well as various sexual innuendos. She was growing more and more frustrated by them every single day, even Lena was offering unwelcome remarks. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, and the trade off was that Kara finally had something she'd been missing for months. She had Barry Allen in her arms every night, professing his love to her.

She'd made it her duty to protect National City more then usual. She'd been MIA for nearly two weeks and it was up to Kara to make up for lost time. She had Winn listening into the police radio for incidents that Kara could easily handle, and get to the next crime scene with minimal down time. Barry was elsewhere looking for Cadmus on J'onn orders. They hadn't quite forgotten about Cadmus and Kara's miraculous escape with Barry in her arms. It set off all the alarm bells in the D.E.O. that they'd escaped so easily. Lillian could have killed both the Scarlet Speedster and Girl of Steel in the blink of an eye, but she didn't. And Lillian wasn't the kind of woman to do something without a purpose.

Kara had rescued many cats from many trees, dealt with petty theft in the streets, and saved various school children from a burning building. It had been a successful day for Supergirl, and for National City, it had been rather eventful. She wasn't usually completely busy with no down time, but today that was exactly what Kara needed. She needed to make it up to National City and pushing herself to her limits was the fastest way to earn back the trust they'd lost in her after she went into self imposed exile.

"Supergirl, National City Bank is being robbed by a group of armed mercenaries. They need you, I'll call Barry." Winn's voice appeared over the comms and Kara looked around, flying towards National City Bank as fast as she could, seeing no signs of Barry with the severe lack of yellow lightening in the streets. She gulped but knew her own abilities were more then enough to take down some armed mercenaries. Kara could barely make out the voices of, what she assumed to be, the mercenaries barking orders at the innocent civilians.

"Phones, wallets, and necklaces!" One of them barked, shoving the barrel of the gun into the side of one of the civilians head. The civilian was young with brown hair, glasses titled slightly on her face, and tears streaming down her cheeks. She was separated from the group of rounded up civilians, being held at gunpoint. Of course she was crying. Unless Supergirl showed up, she was going to die.
"You want her to get a bullet to the head? Hand over your-" He was interrupted when Kara crashed through the ceiling, guarding the group of civilians with her body. Her eyes turned white as she prepared to incinerate the mercenary holding the girl at gunpoint. At a closer look, Kara realised she looked similar to Kara when she was a teenager.

"You don't have to do this, sir. You can still turn yourself in, if you do, I'll talk to the D.A." Kara held out her hands with a smile appearing on her face, trying to coax the mercenary into backing down. No one was truly evil, and people were worthy of redemption. If she didn't have to hurt anyone, Kara would call it a successful day. He pressed the barrel of the gun into the girls head further, causing her to whimper loudly and shake violently. She was utterly terrified and Kara felt sick to the stomach. She wasn't going to risk the poor girls life and let her eyes dim in colour, returning to their beautiful blue. She smiled softly and took a hesitant step forward, hearing Winn's voice in her ear without responding. Barry was on his way, and Kara knew she needed to hold out for just a little bit longer.

"Please, sir. She's innocent, I know you don't want to do this. Just let her go, I promise I'll work something out."

Kara's heart stopped when she saw the gun fire, the explosion went off but before Kara could react, Barry sprinted inside and got the girl out of the way of the bullet. He was even faster then when he'd first met her. He let the girl go and Kara shielded her personally, watching as Barry disarmed the mercenaries and tied them up. He skidded to a halt and clapped his hands together, smiling at the civilians and Kara. Everyone stood up and cheered, including the girl Kara had in her arms, still somewhat trembling. She'd need a blanket and a cup of coffee to deal with the shock. She looked up at Barry and then at Supergirl, clinging to the Girl of Steel almost for dear life.


Outside the National City Bank, Supergirl was hanging around until all of the civilians had a way home. Barry was enjoying talking to some school children caught up in the incident, taking selfies with them as well as video messages for their friends. He looked like he was having the time of his life, and Kara could merely smile at him. The girl Kara had been taking care of was with the police, they had a blanket around her and she was sipping a cup of coffee. She didn't seem to want to look away from Supergirl at all and Kara finally obliged. She walked over the the girl and sat down beside her, wrapping her arm around the frightened girl, looking at her name tag and reading 'Clara'.

"It's nice to meet you, Clara." Kara smiled softly and looked over at Barry. Clara put her hand on top of Kara's and rubbed her knuckles absentmindedly. She didn't seem like the talkative type, even without the trauma she'd experienced today. It wasn't a time for conversation, Kara knew that sometimes you just needed someone by your side offering some comfort in a time of turmoil.

"T-Thank you for... saving me... Supergirl..." Clara looked up at the Blur and smiled cheekily. She looked back at Kara and raised an eyebrow. "You're my favourite, no one can replace Supergirl." She whispered and Kara giggled happily, rolling her eyes playfully. She let Clara rest her head on Kara's shoulder, and sat there with Clara for at least fifteen minutes. Reporters and journalists started to swarm the scene once all the police started leaving the scene of the crime.

"My friends... here... I- I should go." Clara mumbled and Kara nodded, letting the younger woman stand up. "Thank you, Supergirl." Her smile was rather genuine and appreciated.

"Stay safe, Clara."

Walking over to Barry, Kara placed a hand around his shoulder with a smile and rested her head on his shoulder. Reporters suddenly swarmed them, shoving microphones in their faces. Each of them yelling their questions, Kara rolled her eyes and looked at Barry who stepped forward, taking control of the situation.

"We're a little busy, ladies and gentlemen. We have time for one question!" Barry smiled and clapped his hands together, eyeing the crowd briefly before pointing to a young reporter looking rather sheepish in the back. He had said his question only once and Barry had just heard it briefly. And he knew it was the question on National City's mind.
"You there! What's your question?" Barry pointed directly at the young man with a smile, and the man stepped forward, holding his microphone outwards as everyone else went silent.

"Can you... comment on the rumours that Supergirl and the Blur are a couple?" He asked nervously and Kara blushed, her eyes going wide. But an idea clicked in her mind. She smiled and grabbed Barry's chin, turning his head to her and placing her lips against his. The entirety of the news reporters erupted in further questions and everyone else merely cheered in response. Barry kissed her back and they fell into each other's embrace publicly. From then on out, National City knew the Blur was spoken for. And Kara and Barry's life got a hell of a lot more interesting.


Elsewhere, inside Cadmus, Lillian was staring at a map of National City, eyes like a hawk scanning the city. Her finger trailed across the brittle paper and settled on the harbour, grinning to herself silently. Behind her stood many armed soldiers, weapons lowered. They patiently waited for their orders as Lillian plotted their next moves.

"Everything is in place, gentlemen. Two days from now, Supergirl bends her knee to Cadmus." Lillian turned to look at the soldiers and they all nodded, thrusting their fists into the air. She smiled and grabbed her phone, swiftly texting someone and stuffing her phone back in her pocket. She turned to look at a photo of Lena on her table with a look of disgust creeping onto her face. She swiped the photo of the counter, hissing at it like an animal.
"And I will have my favourite child back in my arms."

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