Vision Of Red

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Kara knew it wasn't fair on herself to use her hearing to listen in on Barry's operation, but she clearly wasn't thinking straight at that very moment. She was torturing herself on the off chance she'd feel a sense of relief, but after three hours all she could feel was pure, agonising dread. Nothing was going to plan and every one of the doctors and nurses were scrambling over each other to give their take on his condition. He was shot, bleeding, and dying. How hard was it to conclude that? She couldn't help but feel every fibre of her being burn with an intense rage every time Barry flatlined. Inside his coma, Barry was dreaming a perfect fantasy, while Kara suffered a nightmare of a reality.

'How could the D.E.O.'s medial staff be so incompetent!' Kara kept thinking to herself, digging her nails into her scalp in a desperate way to alleviate the rage building inside her. She knew something wasn't right, but she was too focused on making sure Barry was okay before she started worrying about herself. Kara was the reason Barry was in trouble in the first place, and she was utterly wracked with guilt. Lillian was going to pay for her crimes no matter if the D.E.O. gave their blessing or not. Cadmus was going down, Lillian Luthor was going to die. 'If he dies, I'm going to make them pay!'

As time went on, Kara became impatient and started to pace back and forth inside the D.E.O. which made everyone else uncomfortable, but she couldn't care less. They weren't going to stop her. They couldn't stop her. They had no right to stop her. She was the Girl of Steel, and she could do whatever she pleased. Fighting off the urge to burst into the room and cauterize Barry's wounds herself, Kara rolled her eyes when Alex walked into the room offering a sincerely apologetic look.

"How are you feeling, Kara?" Alex walked up to Kara and placed her hand on the Kryptonian shoulder, double taking as Kara moved away to avoid her sisters comforting touch (which she usually craved). They were closer then most twins and they weren't even from the same planet, or the same species. This wasn't right and Alex's instinct kicked in. Kara had a right to be upset with the universe but she seemed rather agitated as opposed to the normal emotional.
"Barry's...." She didn't want to lie for multiple reasons, but most of all she didn't want to get Kara's hopes and see her fall any further then she was already going to. "He's strong." That just vexed Kara even further, Alex couldn't even come up with a convincing lie to sooth her woes. She wasn't even trying, Alex was a very convincing liar that even Kara couldn't always detect.

"Strong? Try being shot by Lillian Luthor and bleeding out in a cage! Strong doesn't apply here, Alex!" Something in Kara's tone was off, Alex could only describe it as insolent. Alex was only trying to help but Kara was being unreasonable. She was allowed to be upset but snapping at Alex wasn't fair at all.
"He's dying, I can't do anything! I have to sit here and wait for those idiots to end up-" She couldn't finish her sentence, a spike of fear striking her already vulnerable heart. She didn't know what she'd do if Barry died because of three D.E.O.'s incompetence and her taking of the high road when it came to killing Lillian. If Superman had of killed Lex a lot of people would be alive. If Kara had of killed Lillian, Barry could have been lying with Kara on the couch, deep in each other's embrace. Instead he was dying on an operating table, and Kara was praying to Rao that he wasn't knocking on heavens door just yet. Alex's face contorted into a mixture of disappointment, frustration, and offence.
"Don't look at me like that, Alexandra. You. Have. No. Right."

"Look, Kara, I know you're worried about Barry-" Alex found herself even more agitated when Kara grabbed the scruff of her collar and got right up in her face, snarling at Alex who was only there to help, support, and comfort Kara in her time of need. She was only being met with hostility and bitterness. Realising it was probably because of the venom she'd let seep into her tone as a counter measure to put Kara back into place. She'd have to rethink her strategy if she wanted to help Kara understand she was being unreasonable.

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