Chapter 12: Not in Control

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     I closed my eye's and pulled the trigger. The bright light burst from the steel cartridge, and dispersed the pointed metal to its destination. The gas tanks, but to my amazement it didn't penetrate the metal. My eyes shot back towards the crazed clown who had my father in his grasp. My hands start to shake as I dropped the gun to the floor. Scared, scared of the the flashing moments of my mother and fathers death. Fear rose around me, swallowing up. A laugh kept echoing threw my skull.

"HEHEHEHAHAHAHAHHA-" KF looked at me with fear. Fear? I walked forward towards him. Wait I walked?! I wasn't in control of my own bodily functions. One step after another, with each step new fear rose in both me and KF.

The next thing I knew I was beating him up. Punch after punch after punch. His face receiving large gashes, and bruises.

I cried for it to stop but I kept throwing hits one after the other. Wally looked up at me and to my surprise he looked worried. Not scared but worried? 

"Bruce look." The caped crusader look at me, with a surprised face as well. 

"He's crying?"

The clown began to laugh. "Robin, boyo I need you to kill the flashy boy." The team look at me. I tried to scream or say anything but I remained still. My tears were the only things to make to the surface. My body tremble more and more. I was not in control, but why?

 I shifted to my left and looked down. The metal weapon was still on the floor. Fear rose even more when I began to pick it back up.

"STOP TREBUIE SĂ NU NU FĂCĂ MINE! VĂ ROG VA-" (STOP PLEASE NOT DON'T MAKE ME DO IT! PLEASE PLE-) A gunshot echoed threw my screams of silence. I looked at Wally to see he was unharmed. Then who shot the gun?

I look up at the team, I was able to move freely now.  I backed away from everyone and look around to see Batman with the gun. I tried to look for the clown but he wasn't even in the room. 


"Where is he?"

"Richard pleas-"

"WHERE IS HE?!" I looked at him. KF looked at the door then at me. "Im going to kill him!" I ran out the door and towards the laughing. The building felt bigger then I remembered. I finally came to a set of doors with a Joker face sprayed in green on them. I ran in to see Joker talking with someone, but I was to concerned on Joker that I ran at him.

"JOKER!" I went to hit him when I was stopped by a forceful blow. The blow threw me into a wall. My vision began to double over. The man walked forward, I tried to get up. I managed to get to my feet only to be punched again.

"Slade, let me have some fun!" Joker spun around him and threw metal container. It dispersed a orange type of gas. My vision began to blur and the two became two different people. Jokers figure turned into Tony Zucco and Slade turned into Batman. But this batman was scarier then the original.

"Hey boyo you ready to fall like you parents." I froze. Images flashed in my head. Moms mangled body and dads broken skull. Then the panic attack forced me to go down the memory.

-----------(5 yrs ago, after accident)---------------

"MAMI TATI!" I raced down the ladder. People were running in all directions. Haley saw me and ran towards me. 

"Dick așteaptă-(Dick Wait!)" But I was already running toward my parents.

 When I got there my heart began to slow down and all color drained from me. Mom was next to dad their hands together. Moms ribs were sticking out of her beautiful red outfit now stained with blood. Her arm was in a weird position. 

Dad was to the right of her. His skull split open exposing the insides to the outside. His leg was bent forwards. His ribs just like mom. I look around me and people stopped to see me. I walked over to mom and feel to my knees.

"Nu, nu, nu mamă tată. nu te rog, întoarce-te că nu mă poți lăsa aici. Ai promis că vei fi cu mine pentru totdeauna!( No no no no mommy daddy. no please, come back you can't leave me here. You promised to be with me forever!)" I screamed when a man pulled me away from them.

"NU LET ME GOO!" I head butted him and started to race towards them again only to be stopped. 

The man went down to my height and hugged me. 

"I'm sorry about your parents Dick. But they are gone, please let me help you. I'm Bruce Wayne." My eyes began to water as I cried into his shoulder.


My eyes began to water as I looked at Tony. 

"YOU KILLED THEM!" I ran towards Tony with a knife in hand. I punched him in his jaw then slashed his chest, but I was blown backwards. Batman snuck behind me and pinned my arms behind me. 

"You are the reason they are dead Richard. If you wouldn't have existed then it wouldn't have happend in the first place." He said with no hesitation in his voice. I screamed as he picked me up by my hair. Tony walked over with the knife from earlier. 

"Sorry kiddo." And with that he began to cut, and slash at my chest. I screamed as with each blow more pain spiked up and my vision began to spot. The door infront of me burst open and another batman came running at me. But that one was too late.

With a snap everything returned and Tony went back to being Joker and Batman to Slade. Before the real deal made his way to me as well as the team, a metal grinding noise started then deep pain shot threw me. I gasped before looking down to see a now bloodied katana. Then the blade was ripped out of me and I was released. 

Everything went dark and the last thing I saw was the teams and Batman fighting Slade and Joker. A a sweet tameranian calling my name.



My eyes open to a bright light. I grunt as I move, I hurt like hell. Suddenly something moved off to my right. I looked to see Starfire run over to me. 

"Robin!" She slowly sat behind me and put my head in her lap. 

"St-s-star-f-fire?" My voice weak and laced with pain

"Please friend we need you to stay awake, we are in the Bioship on out way to the mountain." I nodded and looked around. Dad was talking to a injured but stable Connor. Cy, Beast boy and Raven looked okay and were chatting. Artemis was sitting down and taking a nap. As the rest of the team were helping Me'gan with the ship.

I shifted and almost screamed. This caught Batman and the teams attention. 

"Robin!" I looked at dad who had pulled off his cowl to show a very tired looking playboy.

"Hi Tata" I said with a smile. I coughed hard to only spit up blood. 

"Richard... I am sorry" I looked at him with confusion. "Your sorry, why are you sorry ,you have nothing to be sorry about" He looks down, and I begin to count who was all here to see we were missing one hyper speedster. 

"Dad where, where is W-Wally-" I begin to cough more violently. I couldn't breathe! Bruce ran over and was yelling something. My ear were ringing and my vision was doubling and getting dark. The next thing I begin to shake rapidly and my vision went black.


Hey guys I'm sorry that I didn't update recently. I was in Washington State visiting my dad and we had winter break. I hope this is a good chapter to you guys and I hope you enjoy it. 

Word count: 1332

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