Chapter 8: His Identitiy

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Joker laughed glancing at me with his crazed green eyes. 

"I was there little bird, who do you think helped Tony?" My eyes widened frozen in fear. 

"Speaking of which sense everyone is here I might as well show you my favorite group." He ran out of the room, then returning with a cassette and a tv. I shifted only to get a wave of pain to rush in me. I held my breath. I can't let them see my pain. A click and the tv screen lit up to show my most haunting memory. 


Haley walked into the middle of the ring."Ladies and gentalmen, boys and girls, children of all ages I present to you the fearless flying Graysons."

 I smiled as the lights shown on my parents. Mom and dad waved as I sat behind them.

" As always preforming the daring feets without a safety of a net" 

Dad grabbed the bar and began his act by leaping onto a another swing after doing a double spin before grabbing the bar.  A round of applause filled the tent. I clapped and cheered as well, but something caught my eye. A man in the crowd, it was the guy from earlier. His name was Tony Zucco. I felt like something was wrong but I shook my head and focused on my parents.

 Mom was starting her act. She swung into action but little creaks filled the air above me. But my mind was on my moms act. She swung and let go of the bar doing a backflip, my dad catching her of corse. I began to clap, the creaks getting louder.

"Now the youngest member of this amazing family." The lights went up to me. I smiled and waved as the applause got louder. But as I went to take off my yellow robe the creaks got loud.  I looked up to see the lines that mom and dad on shift and shake. Mom and Dad's eyes looking at the lines and realized what was happening, but realizing it too late. My mind clicked just as the ropes gave out. Mom reached out and her voice calling my name. 


"NOOO!" I ran to the edge trying to grab her hand but she was too far away. The sound of sickening bones snapping filled the air. Screams,Gasps and chaos also filling the air. My life changed after that day. The memory playing over and over and over again. Tears and screams filled the air. I lost my parents that day but after that I never celebrated my birthday ever again.


Joker laughed and grabbed my hair. 

"So how did you like the movie Boy Blunder?" I closed my eyes to stop the tears but so many had fallen out I couldn't help but let them go. Pain and sadness washed over me. Gasps were heard and I opened my eyes to see Megan crying, Artemis's face frozen in fear, Kuld'ar put his head down, KF knew who I was and looked at me with a sad smile, Connor's face shocked, my team frozen in fear. Starfire looked at me. 

"Robin." Her voice shaky, tears filled her lime green eyes. 
"Its okay Starfire, I'm okay." I smiled as I looked at the mad man. "Okay so what you showed them one part of my past, am I suppose to beg for mercy?" Anger flooded me, why did he show them that. 

"No, but it will break you more easily." He grinned before kicking me in the stomach. My stomach, from what it feels like now has multiple broken ribs. I cough only to have blood come rushing out. Joker obously satisfied with this kicked again and again. Anger, sadness and sorrow filled the air, as my mentor and team mates could do nothing but watch. After a good 7 kicks in he stoped. 

"That was fun, but I want to get to the good part. Your Identity!" I looked up to see his hands come crashing down on my face. I tried to jerk away from his hands but I wasn't fast enough. His hands peeled my mask away to reveal two of my ocean blue eyes, well blue eyes with a black eye. I closed my eyes and placed my head down as far as I could get it. I wanted to disappear but only pain brought me back. 

"Well I'm going to have fun with Mr.Grayson here, but don't worry I'll let you watch." He grabbed a remote and turned on the screen above us to show a cell with a sign on it. 


Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated. I just started archery season and have been busy lately. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please comment and vote!

Word Count: 798

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