Chapter 6: Don't Leave Me

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 Wally POV

"We will come." My heart raced, as I watched my best friend double over in pain. I didn't realize that I was the one to answer. Joker smiled. 

"Good, meet at these coordinates. But for now goodbye." And with that the screen went black and filled with static. Robin stopped moving and started to suck in greedy amounts of air. But he didn't get enough. 

"Robin!" I ran over hanging on to him. "Breathe, Breathe." Robin looked at me eyes filled with worry, looking into my eyes and began to do as asked, slowly bringing his breaths longer and slower. Finally being able to take his time, I helped him onto the couch. 

"Y-You can't g-go." I looked at him, his body was trembling. His midnight hair in the way of his mask. "P-Please." A tear made its way down his face. I nodded and sat down next to him. I knew my best friend. Dick Grayson, acrobat of Haley's Circus. I know what happened to him and why he chose to be Robin. But I also knew that I had to do this, for him. I looked down to see the bird fall fast asleep. I grabbed a blanket and placed it on him, careful not to wake him. 

"We have to go." Artemis looked at me. Her eyes filled with tears. 

"Wally, I'm scared. Scared to leave him. Scared for him." She said her voice shaking. I slowly grabbed her hands. 

"We can do this. He has done so much for us in the past but now he has his own team to worry about. We have to help him, like he helped us." She nodded as I looked at the rest of the team. We single filled out of the room. I stoped being the last one out, turning to face Richard. 

"We will save them." with that I closed the door, unsure if I was going to come back.


Robin's POV



*Kick *

I was thrown to the floor in a heap. My body now covered in bruises and cuts. I prayed for it to end but one after the other the hits became painless. Spots began to fill my vision, everything spinning and getting blurry. I moved to my side as I tried to see where he was.

"ROBIN RUN!" A yellow and red blur yelled, along with green, white, blue spots. I tried to get up only to end up on my knee. I began to violently cough till blood seeped threw my lips. Cries to stop, or to run filled the air. I slowly made my way up when a black silhouette reached down and held my throat. Picking me up slowly till my feet left the ground. 

"You should have just stayed home boy blunder but now I'll just have to kill you." Green hair. Joker came into my vision but who was holding me. I was violently thrown to my knees. 

"Or else what Batsy?" He laughed, his laugh sending chills up my spine. Finally a man in orange and black went behind me. Blades were drawn and I knew what was going to happen.  I just stood there looking at my teams and my father. 

"Its going to be okay." I said with tears flowing out of my face. 

"Robin!" Starfire cried behind the glass.

A scream filled the air moments later. I can't breathe, why can't I breathe. I looked down and got my answer. 

I woke up screaming and gasping for air. A nightmare? I began to look around franticly when was the team? 
"Wally? Artemis? Connor? Megan?" I walked around the empty tower before it hit me. They left.


Batman's POV

It had been 3 hours sense the chat with the team. Stupid kids, they shouldn't have came. Suddenly sirens and alarms rang threw the cave. I look around, as men ran past me and threw the doors. What was going on? Suddenly everything became quiet, then the speaker spoke.

"Batsy we have guests." And with that the rusted metal door opened to reveal the young justice minus Robin all in cuffs and moved towards chairs next to me. I look down at my lap, not wanting to look at them. 

"Its okay Batman, Di-Robin will be okay." I looked up at Wally with tears in my eyes. (I know the freaking Batman).

"This is what the Joker wanted." He looked at me in confusion before it dawned on him. 

"They wanted you to leave, leaving Robin vulnerable." Suddenly the doors swung open revealing the mad man himself. 

"Right you are Batsy but I didn't want you, I'm just using you as bait. But I don't wanna spoil a suprise I have for you guys." That is when a sharp pain clashed into my head leaving me with the darkness.


Robins POV

I walked into my room and began to pack up. Bater-rags, smoke bombs, gas mask, Breathalyzer, ect. I walk to my closet and stared at my suit. I have to save them, my family needs me. With that I slipped it on, grabbing my bag and running past all the empty rooms to the front door. I  look around the room one last time before slipping into the shadows and towards the dots on my holo-glove.

I will find you Joker and I will kill you.


Hey guys I have developed a schedule for this book and Our Pasts Colide. I am going to write a chapter every other day. So tomorrow I am going to write another chapter but not post it till Friday. I hope you enjoyed it. 

So I wonder what Robins going to do, and will he figure out how to save his family?

Word count: 950 

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