Chapter 7: Little Bird

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-Robins POV-

I continued to jump off the roofs of the buildings. I glance at my hologlove, the dot still repeatedly  blinking and disappearing. Suddenly pain shot threw my body, I missed a roof and ended up falling into an alleyway. Black spots everywhere, the pain swallowed my body. Everything burned, I couldn't breath. 

"Breathe Robin Breathe!" 

I started to breathe the pain still there, but not as bad as it was. I got up and held the wall, blood seeping threw my lips. No! I have to save them, no matter what! I climbed up the ladder and began to jump off the roofs. Till I reached to point. An abandoned building. From the looks of it it was old. The metal rusted, busted and stained with orange. The plants engulfing the sides, cracks decorated the concreate. I was positioned on a tree branch trying to look threw the grey stained windows. Crys of stop and pleas were heard. 

The pain spiked again but this time harder. A scream slipped past my lips and into the frostbitten cold air. The world started to spin and the darkness seemed to claim me before the ground.


"Lookie at this." A familiar cackle filled my ears. Everything was black and felt like it was spinning. A firm hand pined my arms behind me. I cry in pain as they tied them. 

"Lets show the visitors their circus freak." The sound of scrapping and metal doors opening and closing, bats flying about. I lye there knowing I cant get up. But there was a sound I haven't heard. I closed my eyes harder and strained my ears to listen. A button, the sound of a button being clicked. That is when it came back. The pain! 

"AHHHHH! GOD DAMN IT STOP!" I managed to scream before going limp. My vision began to come back to me. A man in an orange and black jumpsuit and a girl that what I can make out had to be Harley. 

"Lookie what we found mista J. A birdy fell out of its nest." Joker was sitting at a desk surrounded by six screens. Each were off at the time. 

"OOOh look at that, the family is all here, now we can begin." He walked over to me, syringe in hand. "This will only pinch, hold still and make sure to smile." His laugh was the last thing I heard.

-Starfire's POV-

A scream was heard not to far from the building we were being held in. Cyborg was in a box like Raven, Beastboy and I. I missed Robin and began to worry for him. What did the man in the purple suit mean when he said  not to fight death? Was Robin dying!? The cold air blowing in the Young Justice team and Batman fidgeted. The degrees were going down, to my knowledge this is called getting cold. 

I rub my arms and sit down. Why is this man after Robin? So many questions swarmed in my head, left unanswered. Suddenly the metal doors swung open and the man in orange came in. He is the one that hurt Raven and my friends. Starbolts formed in my hands. 
"WHERE IS ROBIN, WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US, AND WHY DO YOU HURT!?" Anger laced my questions. But the next thing he did, sent a cold rush threw me. The man in purple was holding someone. Someone else in green, yellow and red. "ROBIN!" I rushed over to the glass only to recieve a shock. Tears filled my eyes as he was tossed onto the ground.

Robin looked bad. Tear's in his uniform, along with multiple gashs. Raven looked at him with worry as did the rest. Robin our leader was suffering by the hands of this monster. 

"You monster, what did you do?!" The man walked over my directing, giving a swift, hard kick to Robins stomach before meeting me eye to eye. 

"You are gorgeous, even for an alien." He smiled revealing dreaded yellow teeth.

"Lea-ve h-her a-a-alone!" Robin said his voice laced with pain and dred. He looked up only to place his head down again. Joker looked over and laughed.

"The boy blunder Robin, your teams always asking one question. Who are you really." He turned toward him skipping around in a circle. "Well ladies and gents I am about to give you an answer.

Batman looked at Robin with worried eyes and said something. E în regulă, Dick, o să omor acest monstru. Vă rugăm să stați și să închideți acei minunați ochi albaștri.(Its okay Dick, I am going to kill this monster. Please just hang on and close those beautiful blue eyes of wonder.) Robin looked at him with a bloody smile. "Its okay Tati." With that he watched the clowns every move.

-Robins POV-

Starfire had a cut on her face,Raven was beaten pretty badly , Cy was tied to a table unable to move and Garfield looked at me with worried eyes. He was in a tube. I looked at my team they all looked in a pretty bad state too. Dad looked at me, his look was full of sorrow for me. 

"Its okay Tati." I smiled, I know I shouldn't but that was the only thing I could thing of doing. He gave me a small smile in return. The clown stopped running in circles. Thank god, I can't even deal with Wally spinning around me. He squatted down to me with a wicked smile. 

"Do you like the circus?" I continued to stare daggers at him, as if daring his to lean farther.

"I do its called Hailey's Circus, but my favorite performance was by The Flying Grayson's." His last words dripped with venom. My eyes widening. How did he know?


Hey guys whew another chapter. How are you guys liking it? Made a decision that I will make a chapter everyother day and the other days I will be working on my other book called Our Pasts Collide. Please check it out if you love Aphmau. Other than that I have been busy with school but not to busy to update. Soooooo what do you think is going to happen? And how did the Joker know who Robin(Dick) was? 

To be continued.......

Word count: 1038

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