Chapter 4: Dream or Reality?

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Robin cried in pain as the last lash split another cut down his back. He couldnt even regonize it anymore. It was so bloody and ripped it didnt even look like his back, it looked like a ripped jacket. Joker laughed seeing the little bird stuggle.

"So that was fun, but it is my lunch break so goodbye for now." His dark cackle filled his cell and bounced off the old, hummid walls. The broken bird began to loose hope. Batman please help...

At mountain

"Robin! Robin please wake up!" Bruce desperatly wanted Dick to wake up. His heartbeat began to lower and lower, which was scaring the Bat. What was he going threw? Wally walked in, careful not to disturb or anger the frightened bat. 

" Its my turn to watch dick. I will make sure to notify you if he gets better, but for now you need some rest." Bruce looked at Wally then to his little bird. He leaned down and kissed Robin on his forehead and whispered something to him. 

"Dick te rog trezește-te, îmi pare rău pentru ceea ce am făcut în trecut. Te rog, fiule, te așteptăm(Dick please wake up, im sorry for what i did in the past. Please my son, we are waiting for you). Bruce moved the very pale bird to the pillow and placed the blanket up to his chest. Which was moving at an alarming pace. "Take care of my son Wally, if you don't you know what will happen." Silence filled the room and batman left.  Wally walked over and placed his chair next to the sleeping bird. "I really missed you." He reached over and squeezed Dicks hand.


The door opened up in front of him, startling the poor bird. "Oh did I wake you Robin? Good, the fun is about to begin." Robin closed his eyes as the king of madness walked closer. "Are you afraid little bird?" Robin remained silent, then giving up and looked at the crazy pair of green eyes infront of him. Joker smiled and walked over to the metal table, and began going threw the different sizes of knifes. 

"Hmm no. No to dull. No to tiny. Ahhhh this one" Joker walked over with a medium sized knife and began to wave it in the air. "Robin, I do love you and batsy but you seem to ruin everything of mine so I am going to take the only thing he loves." He laughs and pauses. "You." Robin eyes widen as he began tugging at the chains and crying. "Its okay it will all be over soon." A scream filled the room and chains silenced. 

I wake up gasping for air and crying. Grabbing the sheets, struggling to breath. Was that a dream or reality? I looked at Wally who seemed surprised. He was saying  something but I couldn't hear, until the darkness swallowed me up again. 


I was lying down on a chair, not to far from Dick. I was drifting into slumber when a whimper was made. My green eyes shot open and looked at the lump in the bed. Dick? Another whimper, I begin to walk closer eyeing my best friend. "Robin?". Before I knew it he screamed and woke up. I saw him gasping for air and claw at the sheets. 

"ROBIN you fine, your safe. Take a deep breath and calm down." He looked at me with confusion before falling back into slumber. I grabbed his hand. He woke up, I need to tell batman. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I ran past a laughing Mega'n and Connor, a confused Aqualad and into a scared blonde archer. 

"AHHH" They said in unison as they toppled into the couch. I looked up to a suprised archer, who was inches from my face. "Wally what in the world"

"Robinisawakeandineedtocallbatmanimsorryiloveyoubye!" I put her on the couch and ran into the  living room. I remember how robin would always laugh and tell me to calm down. I typed till I found Batman's name and called. The dark vigilante was in pajamas and had coffee. He looked very tired. 

"Kid Flash what is it?" 

"Its Robin he woke up!"


Hey guys hope you like the chapter! So how do you think batman is going to react!

Word count 723

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