Chapter 27

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The sun wakes me up with a brilliant stream of light coming forth from my window. A smile creeps on my lips as I remember the events of last night, minus the getting raped aspect.

I roll over, excited to see Theo so early in the morning. Something within me changed. It seems now that all the fuss over his lies is nothing. All of that which brought me great despair, now seems so minuscule. Maybe now that I am willing to look past that, our love may have the opportunity to rekindle.

Except when I turn around, smiling like a goon, the bed is empty. The sheets are twisted and tousled proving someone was once there. At least I'm not so crazy enough as to have imagined his presence. After all, how else would I have gotten home.

That's when I remember. Theo always gets up earlier than me. He must be in kitchen cooking up breakfast, or in the bathroom freshening up. I throw my legs over the side of the bed and rise to my feet. Last night must have thrown off my equilibrium because I lose my balance instantly and topple to the ground. The bang surely is loud enough to gain Theo's attention, but he doesn't race into the room with urgency as I would have expected. In fact, he doesn't appear at all.

A frown finds its way to my face. I crawl around to the other side of the bed. His shoes and shirt are missing off the ground, erasing all clues that he had been in my room. As I explore, I find the rest of my house empty too. The sound of the clock makes my ears bleed as realization crosses over me.

He left.

Theo left.

How could he just leave? It's not like we slept together and this was a one night stand. Even if we did sleep together he wouldn't just leave like that. That's not in Theo's forte. He doesn't simply walk out of a girls house in the middle of the night after saving her life and saying things that made her heart melt. Not only that, but saying things that proves he still cares about her.

Maybe this was all another lie. In fact, I have no idea who Theo really is. Maybe this is exactly what he is like but I never knew because for the period of time we were together he changed his persona. Theo could well in fact be a cheating bastard. He could be a low life scum bag who tricks girls into falling for him only to break their heart in an instant. That's exactly who Theo could be.

Unfortunately, I will never have the opportunity to find out what he's like when the criteria he set for me is pushed away. I will never know the real Theo.

This thought consumes me as I sulk away my Sunday. The recent turn of events leaves my stomach empty, but me in no mood to satisfy my hunger. I was sad enough before all of this. Now I feel even emptier. To think that's possible...

My apartment seems too vast, ominous. It's like time has stopped and all I can hear is the buzzing of my thoughts; which aren't very active today.

After the lights start to dim and the sun falls lower in the sky, I realize I have not moved from my sullen spot on the couch. I can only imagine my appearance. Straight from the depression awareness ad I'm sure. Dark circles under my eyes, face drooped in sadness, eyes lifeless, mouth in a permanent frown. How can I be so stripped of emotion?

A ringing of a phone breaks me from my trance. I shift for the first time that day to find my phone. My phone is in my purse which is on the floor next to the couch. It's Colin.

"Hey," I say. My voice is groggy.

"You okay Hal?" He asks immediately. Colin always knows when I'm upset, even from one word.

"Not really," I admit. But the tone of my voice sounds like I don't want to talk about it.

"Well I called to make your day brighter!" He exclaims before breaking into a hopelessly awful rendition of happy birthday. For the first time today I smile. I love Colin.

"Thanks Colin."

"So how's your birthday been?"

"My birthday was yesterday."

There is dead silence on the other side of the phone. "Well this is awkward." He finally says.

"Thanks for remembering."

"I'm so sorry. I should remember. I'm a terrible friend."

"No your not. At least you wished me happy birthday. That's more than what anybody else has done for me."

"No one wished you happy birthday?" He asks surprised. He feels sorry for me no doubt.

I sigh, "I don't have friends here Colin."

"I'm surprised your boyfriend didn't."

Here we go again. "I don't have a boyfriend anymore Colin."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better because I'm hopelessly in love with you and you don't want to break my heart."

"Colin I'm not just saying it." I roll my eyes. "Besides I really don't care about breaking your heart," I snicker.

Colin gasps on the other line. "That hurt Haley."

"See I told you. I feel no sympathy," I chuckle.

"Well I do."


"I feel sympathy."


"About forgetting your birthday."

"It's seriously fine. I don't care."

"Of course you care. I would care. So I'm going to make it up to you." I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off. "Before you ask how, let me tell you it is top secret and highly confidential so before you guilt it out of me I am going!"

The line goes dead. Only Colin can bring a smile to my face when I'm feeling so down.

I look at the time on my phone. Eight o'clock. How did time pass so quickly? I guess I should eat something so I don't feel like shit tomorrow at work.

Oh crap!

Tomorrow's my first day on set!

Oh crap.

Tomorrow I have to see Theo.

Comment and vote! Sorry for such a sucky chapter

When's your last day of school? If you already out of school when did you get out?

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