Chapter 34

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Guys I am so sorry it's been so long. I've been out with my third concussion so I haven't been able to write. Enjoy :)

She's silent.

Ever since I found her curled up in the passenger seat crying, she's refused to mutter a sound.

It's intolerable.

The only sound is the hum of the engine and the buzzing of cars as they zoom past. But that's not enough to distract me. Driving is not enough to distract me. I need to hear her voice. I need to know that she's okay, and if she's not that she will be.

Her refusal of speech has shut me up, locked my doors, no entry or exit. She's put my voice and emotions on lockdown. I don't even have the ability to ask if she's alright. I can't fathom the words.

Shai warned me about this. She warned me about all of this. Stupid me, I shouldn't have acted that way last night. I shouldn't have made her think she's nothing but an object of my hopeless desire. But I couldn't control myself. Seeing her, being with her, touching her, sent me back. For those few moments last night Haley was my Haley. My adorable, loving, beautiful Haley. Even though it was nothing but a fantasy, for those few moments she was mine. All mine.

I peer over my arm that is propped up on the steering wheel. Though barely, she's still awake. Her red swollen eyes stare out the window at the fleeting scenery. It takes me several minutes to work up the courage to talk to her.

"Haley," I say as I stare out into the city that looms in the distance. It's dark but the array of lights stand tall and true. We're close. We only have twenty minutes left in the ride, which is why now is the best time to have this conversation.

She doesn't answer me.

Sighing I say, "Haley please talk to me."

Again she doesn't respond.

"Haley, I know you're upset but please talk to me. You might not realize this, but I care about you. I care about you s-," I turn to look at her this time, stopping mid-word. Evidentially, me mustering up the courage took too long, so long, in fact, she fell asleep.

Her knotted blonde hair is pressed against the window, her head resting on the cool glass. Her eyes are closed, the puffiness finally fading. Even in slumber, she is beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

Tearing my eyes away from her I finally focus on the road. I need to rid her from my thoughts. I need time away. Away from her, away from my feelings, away from the pressure of fame and all the downfalls that come along with it. I just need a break.

But I know as long as I'm in the business and as long as I hide my feelings for Haley, that peace will never come.

Finally, we reach our destination. Robert booked us in a five star hotel. Our whole team occupies the top floor. Of course we all have suites. And I can only imagine he put mine next to Haley's because with my luck, that's what would happen.

We were given instructions to use some special back entrance to stray from the paparazzi and fans. A man instructs me to a special parking spot, loading our bags onto the cart while we stray moments longer in the car.

"Haley," I say, gently squeezing her shoulder. It's late, around midnight so it comes at no surprise when she mumbles some incoherent words before dozing off once more. She always got like this when it was late. She had an internal clock, and after it got past a certain time, there was no returning her to the world of the living.

"Haley, we're here."

Again, not a sound. So I walk around the car opening her door for her.

"Carry me," she mumbles, holding her arms out like a toddler. My heartbeat quickens, the pace increasing so rapidly I think I'm having a heart attack.

Instead of saying anything, which wasn't even possible at the moment, I scope her delicate body into my arms, losing myself in the feeling of her bare back against my hands, since her shirt has ridden up. Her tiny palms are balled into fists and her makeup from the previous day is smeared under her eyes. But I don't care, I've never cared.

"Finally! We've been waiting all day for you!" Robert nearly shouts as soon as we enter the building.

Instantly I shush him, nodding my chin towards the sleeping beauty in my arms. Immediately he cups a hand over his mouth, hiding his obvious smirk. Word around set is everyone has placed bets on who I'll end up with. Some say Shai, others say Zoë, and a very select few have said Haley. Which is odd because no one - besides Shai - know of our recent history. I'm betting Robert is one of the few who betted towards us though. It's obvious by the way he's eyeing me. I know as soon as I leave he'll call everyone telling them to pay up.

If only it were true.

"Here's you're room keys," Robert says, flashing the numbers before handing me the cards. "A wake up call with be sent to your rooms at seven sharp. Breakfast will be delivered to your rooms at 7:15. Set call is eight o'clock tomorrow. No later, no earlier. See you tomorrow."

I carry her to her room which un-coincidentally is next to mine. We even have connecting doors. Just my luck. Good thing the person I want to be farthest from is like my Siamese twin. No matter how hard I try I can't get away.

Her bags lay on the chaise lounge in her room. The silk bedspread is pulled back, already waiting for her arrival. I lay her down over the covers, taking off her shoes one by one, making sure not to wake her.

Her clothes somehow are still damp. So I find a pair of pajamas from her suitcase and switch them out, call me creepy but I admired her body for longer than I should. I miss the feel of her skin. Her body was warm, yet her hands somehow were always cold, even in the midst of summer. And they had this almost purple color to them. But they were so soft. They were soft every single time I touched them. And now as I grasp her hand in my own, I never want to let go. But I know if I don't leave, I'll have to explain myself when she wakes. So I drop it and slip her shirt over he head, pants following after.

"Theo," she mutters as I tuck her under the sheets.

"Yes Haley?"

"Thank you." I know she's not lucid. She'll wake up tomorrow and remember this all as a dream.

So I brush the hair out of her face, lose tendrils sprawled out over the goose feather pillows. Slowly I bend down, pressing my lips to her forehead so softly I doubt she even feels them.


I felt them.

So how did you like the change in perspective today? I've been wanting to do a Theo chapter for a while now? Should I do more from his point of view?

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