Chapter 31

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I arrive to his house late. As my truck crawls through the gates I spot his silhouette against the blazing sun. He has numerous bags scattered around his feet as he loads the car, not noticing my approach. When I reach the top of the driveway Theo rushes over to me. Oddly enough he opens my door and grabs my hand walking me out of the car like a limousine driver would. Maybe he's taking this whole chauffeur fiasco too seriously.

"Thanks," I mumble, as he drops my hand.

He doesn't reply. Instead he moves to the back of my truck and begins unloading all my bags. There isn't much. For the three weeks we will spend there I only have two bags. One for clothes and one for the rest of my necessities.

"Is this everything?" He asks shocked.

I nod.

"I thought most girls bring their whole closet when they go on vacation. But then again, you're not like most girls," I swear I see him wink before he neatly fits my suitcases into the back of his range rover.

Letting out an unneeded overdramatic sigh, I shuffle my way to the passenger door. Before I can even grab the handle Theo is pulling it open for me, grabbing my hand again and helping me into the car. Maybe in another lifetime I would have appreciated the effort but now it ticks me off. Knowing Theo, he probably thinks doing this all for me will put him back on my good side. Little does he know that nothing he does will ever make me adore him the way I did once upon a time.

Before I can grumble an insult the door slams shut. I wait a few seconds before he climbs into the drivers side turning on the car with an almost inaudible hum. The quietness of his engine compared to my trucks is yet another reminder that we don't belong. We come from too different worlds. Instead he belongs with Shai, the girl who's car probably turns on without a sound.

"And off we go!" Theo exclaims as he pulls out of his long driveway. In the mirror I watch the house shrink smaller and smaller. But instead of feeling pain like I did that night I disappeared out of his life, I feel relief, comfort in the fact that I was leaving. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.

The first two hours are in silence. As the third approaches I feel myself drifting off into dream land; more like nightmare land. The sound of the world racing past us lulls me to sleep.


I remember this place. I'm in the forest again. The same scent is back. Even though I know better than to follow it I do anyway. My feet move at a power beyond my capability. It's like someone is forcing them to work, forcing me towards the person I no longer want anything to do with.

When I get there I know what to expect. Except I get swirled back into the allurement of Theo, forgetting my discomfort. There we were, both leaning in, seconds away from colliding lips and swapping spit.

The moment leading up to the kiss is always better than the kiss itself. The magnetic pull is magical almost. Too magical to ruin by the actual kiss so instead the scenery escapes from under my feet and I am falling.



This time I land upright in a chair. It's a chair that belongs at Theo's kitchen table. But instead I am in the street again. That same street that brought me so much agony and displeasure. When I twist my head to the side my eyes rest upon Shai in an identical chair next to me. Behind Shai stands the cast of Insurgent. All spectators of whatever is about to go down. She stares straight ahead, bewildered by the sight in front of her. Following her gaze, my eyes land on Theo. He holds a gun out in front of him again.

This whole mess dissolves into perfect clarity. He has to chose. One of us he will kill, but which one?

A realization hits me as understanding courses through my veins. Shai and I each stand for a different lifestyle. Choosing one means letting go of the other. A voice shouting my name pulls me away just as he aims the gun at me.


"Haley talk to me," Theo begs for about the hundredth time.

For the past twenty minutes I have been a mess. Theo had woken me to a mass of hysteria and wet cheeks that only seem to be getting wetter. I don't know why the dream brought such a reaction out of me. But for some reason it tore me apart. How can I tell Theo that my dream was about him? How can I tell him the reason behind my crying is because I've finally discovered we'll never be right together?

I lift my head up as a sudden jerk in motion pulls us onto the shoulder of the road.

"What are you doing?" I sniffle.

"I'm not moving from this spot until you tell me why you're so upset."

Theo stares into my watering eyes. In an instant the structure of his features alter. His familiar rough hands cup my face, had his now soft eyes watch the droplets running down my face.

"You can talk to me Haley. I want to know what's wrong."

I nod slowly, in a trance.

"Was it a nightmare?"

I nod. How pathetic does it sound that I'm crying over a nightmare. One that my own subconscious created.

"You killed me."

Theo furrows his brow. "I killed you? Why did I kill you?" He sounds surprised, curious.

"You had to choose."

"Between what?"

"The life you had with me. And the life you have without me." As soon as the words leave my lips I regret them. Already I have said too much. It's quite obvious I still have feelings for him. Either way I continue. "You didn't choose me."

Theo stays silent, not suppressing a sound. Instead he stares at me incredulously. His hands still cup my face.

"I hate to break it to you Haley. But it seems your mistaken."

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