Chapter 10

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When his lips part from mine, all the distress encompassing us dissipates. When I open my eyes, I feel whole again. All the pieces that were lost ever since that eventful evening seem to come together. Admitting this secret helped me. Finally, after several years of having been terrorized, I almost feel okay. The hints of pain that are left I am not worried about because I now have hope that it will one day go away, with the help of Theo of course.

I smile. It is small, not one worth this exceptional moment. He smiles too, sadly. Suddenly I get this terrible impression he had kissed me to distract me from my pain. But before I can let the thought fully run though my mind, our lips meet once more.

This kiss is not the timid first kiss. Instead it is the eager, thirsting second one. Everything we want to say but can not is expressed with the simple interlocking of two sets of lips.

My arm wraps around his neck, closing almost all the remaining space between our exposed bodies. We are still in our bathing suits from when I had fainted. His arm that is around me grips at my skin, clutching on to me as our kiss continues to deepen.

I had dreams about kissing Theo. I imagined what his lips would feel like. Sometimes when he would be talking I'd stare at them, trying to will them with my mind to meet my own.

None of that dreaming compares. His kisses are perfect. The movements of his tongue are precise. His lips are soft and welcoming. The feel of his body against my own is terribly remarkable.

Finally we decide to pull apart. Our breathing is uneven, yet somehow it falls into the same pattern. The synchronicity is wonderful though unnerving.

When he talks his voice staggers, still recovering from our powerful moment, "Haley." Is all he says.

"Please tell me that wasn't an accident," I reply.

The lines around his mouth fold as his mouth turns upward into a brilliant grin, "That was not an accident. I promise you that."

He must have felt it to. He had to of felt it. Something about that kiss ignited a spark. This feeling that once proved to be in me is now bubbling up, rising higher and higher. The touch of his warm skin now feels neutral because I am the same temperature as him. Even though there is no difference, every time I feel him, place a body part, whether it be a finger or a hair, tingles erupt. They shoot back and forth like static electricity. Invisible, but visible at the same moment.

"What does this mean," I whisper, resting my head back on his sculpted torso.

"I don't know," his voice echoes as my ear is pressed to his chest. His arms tighten around me, securing me to him.

"Does this mean anything?" I gulp at the thought of tomorrow turning into yet another day with seamless chatter and inexcusable silences.

"Of course it does. I can't wrap my head around what yet," he says.

"Can I help?" I plead, tilting my head to gaze into his eyes. They are so soft, so warm. They are confident yet comforting. They are simple yet enticing. They are perfect.

"What do you think this means?" He asks me now.

"We can't just be friends anymore."

"I agree. Completely. But Haley, let's not complicate things. Let's take it slow and see how it goes as time rolls along."

Time. I never thought I'd love to hear him say that indicating us. But this means a future, this means more length to our not-so-simple encounter. This means hope.

"Let's leave it at this," he says before gently kissing me. It's more than a peck, but still simple. Still perfect.

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

With that I rest my head back on his chest. The sound of his breathing calms my racing heart and adrenaline. Soon I find myself drifting farther and father into darkness, lulled by the beating of his heart.

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