Chapter 12

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The long day at work tires me out, leaving me feeling like a rung out dish rag. My voice is horse from talking for countless hours on Roberts phone. The meeting went on for what seemed like forever. I suppose the movie has a lot of details to finalize. On my lunch break I heard some producers talking about how the filming is already done.

I wonder how long it takes to put together a movie.

I wait for Theo outside the building. Because he drove me to work today I no longer have a car to hull myself around. Unfortunately, it seems to me that he has forgotten, for I have been standing out here for a good hour and a half.

My phone died a few hours ago. Luckily, whenever Robert is in a meeting I am unsupervised so I text Theo. He kept sending me funny pictures of him making faces and him by the pool, trying to make me jealous I assume but at the same time cheer me up. That killed my phone though so now I have no way of even contacting Theo.

Office hours are over at eleven o'clock. At least that's when everyone is supposed to leave. The doors lock from the outside at eight unless you have a pass. Consequently the one day I need to get back in to use the phone, I left my pass on my desk.

Of course Theo would forget about me. Of course he didn't care enough to remember to pick me up from work.

The whole time I am wallowing in my abandonment and feeling sorry for myself, I do not take cognizance in the limo pulling into the parking lot. Only when it is in front of me do my eyes fall on the white polished coating. The driver steps out.

"Are you Haley Jacobs?" Asks the man.

"Yes I'm she. May I help you?" I reply.

The man walks to the back door and opens it, gesturing me inside. "Your ride awaits."

My eyes widen. No way. This must be some mistake.

The driver notices my hesitation. "Theo sent for you." Ahh, now this all makes sense.

I climb into the back. Laying on the seat is a like pink dress. I smile to myself.

He remembered my favorite color.

Once the driver gets in his seat he closes the barrier between us so I can get changed. The dress is about mid-thigh. It is strapless, coming in at the waist and falling loosely around my hips. It is not very fancy, but cute and summer-y. A pair of nude heals sit on the floor. This outfit must have cost a fortune.

Before I know it the limo is coming to a stop. Peering out the window I notice we are on the coastline. The water is turquoise, gleaming in the moonlight. A long wooden plank polished pier lays flat on the stand, extending out over the ocean where the end becomes wider. It is lined with brilliant lights, illuminating the walkway.

A person obstructs my view as they open my door.  I place a high heel strapped foot onto the gravel ground. My heel catches on a rock, throwing off my balance. An arm grabs me by my waist. When I look up it is Theo. His eyes sparkling in the light.

"You look beautiful," he tell me, pulling my hair out of the braid I managed to tie it into during work. My hair cascades does my shoulders is glorious waves.

I smile, cheeks flushed of course. He wears long beige khakis along with a white button down shirt. It's simple yet classy.  His tan skin glows making his smile even whiter than usual.

"What is all this?" I say softly, sweetly.

He grabs my hand, leading me down the boardwalk to the end where a table stands cloaked in a white table cloth. Tiki torches are set up around the edge of the dock, two candles in the center of the table. Steak lies on the plates.

He remembered my favorite food.

"I figured we needed a first date. If were going to become something other than friends, we might as well do it right."

I know this chapter is short and poorly written, but I just needed this filler to get to the date scene.


If Theo asked you on a date, what would you wear?

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