Chapter 35

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I wake up to the sweet remembrance of my dreams. They fill me, enlighten me. Then the sound of the telephone ringing finally sets in, reality becoming clear and true. Oh how I would love to escape into the sweet feeling of the the silk sheets around me, the soft mattress that I sink into. Light barely peeks forth from the draped windows of my room. It's to early. Too damn early.

I let the phone ring. Whoever it is can wait. I want to dream. But not just any dream. I want to redream my dream. About his arms holding me, securing me to his body. His lips against my forehead. It felt so real. It felt like it had happened, that by some miracle what I had dreamt, hadn't been dreamt at all.

The phone stops it's incessant ringing. To my dismay a new sound crumbles the newfound silence. A banging. A loud ear crunching banging. Groaning, at last, I give up, abandoning all hope of returning to dreamland.

My feet shuffle across the Velcro like carpet to the door. As always I peer out the peephole first. To my surprise no one is there. I might be half asleep but I'm lucid enough to know that banging was not all in my head. Just as I think this, I hear it again. Yet no one is there.

Suddenly it hits me.

The sound is coming from the door between my room and my neighbor. What an asshole!

Raging with indignation I march straight to the door ready to rip into the person causing all this ruckus. I begin screaming before the door even reveals my antagonizer.

"You fucking asshole! Who do you think you-"

I become silent, my hand falls limp against my thigh. Standing on the other side is no other than Theo, wearing the most offensive smirk I've yet to seen on him.

"What was that you were saying?" He bemuses.

Scowling, I attempt to slam the door in his face. But he sees it coming so his hands stop it before it will shut. He pushes it back open before stepping into my room. I open my mouth to make a nasty remark, but a knock sounds on my door again. Nearly screaming with annoyance I stomp to the door, flinging it open without caring to see who it is. It's room service. Without a word they push a cart full of food into my room, quickly leaving once it's placed between Theo and I.

After they are gone I turn to Theo. Narrowing my eyes at his presence. He needs to leave me alone. Forget my dream, he's the reason I spent the whole car ride sobbing. Him and Shai. He's forgotten all about me.

"Don't look so happy," he says.

"What do you want?" I nearly growl.

"Robert informed me that you missed the wake up call."

So that's what that was...

"I didn't want to-" I begin, though I stop myself mid sentence. Why do I feel the need to explain myself to him? He need know nothing about me, my life, or my actions.

"The only reason you ever want to sleep is when you're having a good dream. Don't tell me it was of me again," he jokes as he grabs an apple off the tray, his plump lips pressing against it as he takes a bite.

"Don't be so conceited. It ugly on a man," I snap.

He takes slow steps towards me, taunting me. "You were dreaming about me, weren't you?"

"Of course not," I say, my voice rising.

"Haley my dear, as good as an actress as you are, you couldn't tell a lie if your life depended on it."

I match my steps with his, moving backwards, attempting to keep my distance. My back hits the wall.

I'm cornered.

"I was thinking maybe this was all an act, but you really are an ass aren't you?" I snap

Theo, still stalking towards me, puts a hand over his heart, wincing. "Ouch," he then shrugs. "Well I guess I deserve that."

Finally he reaches me, pressing his body against mine. There's no room for an escape. Barely even room for our clothes. All there is, is me and him staring each other down like hawks. Deciding who's going to make the first move and if we even want to.

"Tell me."

"I wasn't dreaming about you Theo. I just didn't realize what the phone call was."

"That's not want I meant. Haley tell me why you hate me so much?"

I sigh, "I don't hate you Theo." He has no idea how wrong he is. So, so wrong.

"Then what is it?"

"Everything. I don't know you Theo. I've never known you."

A ringing comes from Theo's pocket. Stepping back he peers down at his screen. I feel dissatisfied. The warmth of his body escapes me and I am left feeling empty. But I know our conversation - which barely begun - is already over.

"It's Shai. I've got to go."

Of course it Shai. The one time Theo and I have the opportunity to talk she pulls him away.

She'll always pull him away.

Rolling my eyes I walk away from him, going to my suitcase that lay open on the chaise lounge. What the...? I don't remember opening it. Actually, I don't even remember getting to my room last night now that I think about it.

"Haley, I don't want you to feel like you don't know me."

"Whatever Theo it doesn't matter." It does matter.

He reads my mind. "It does matter."

Theo now stands behind me, grabbing my chin and turning it toward him. I breath in the sent of his aftershave.

"I want you to know me. The real me. I want you to know everything. Please. Let me show you."

"How do you expect to show me?"

"Dinner tonight. At seven. My treat. And before you say anything, no is not an option."

He turns then, walking away with such poise, such confidence I want him now more than ever. He raises a hand and begins to speak. "And for the record, I didn't expect you to know about the call. Robert told me while I carried you in asleep last night."

Like always, he disappears through the door, leaving me without the slightest clue what just happened.


Vent to me in the comments. It can be as long as you want. And no one can reply unless you ask for help.

Lovespoken (Theo James)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora