Chapter 18

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That night Theo and I sleep in a mess of tangled sheets and bare skin. After our love session in the waterfall, we hurried back to his place only to do exactly that. We couldn't seem to get enough of each other, lust drowning out all other emotions.

I wake up sometime early. The sun is just barely peeking over the horizon. Peering out the two French doors lining Theo's wall, I notice the sky is dark and cloudy, a promising day of rain. Normally I hate rainy days. That means no tanning, no sun. A day trapped inside watching meaningless hours of television. Now that I'm with Theo, I don't care. I want an excuse to spend hours laying with him. Though, I don't really need one.

Today is a Sunday. That means no work. I'm not very religious. I mean I believe in God and Jesus but I'm not a church goer. Sundays are my Theo days.

Theo snores softly underneath my skin. He is so warm. Even though his abs are rippling he is soft, squeezable, love able.

Speaking of that, I want to tell him I love him. I want to scream it from the rooftops and have everybody know. But something is stopping me. I'm never the girl who bleeds her heart out to the boy. I'm the girl who sits back and waits for someone to fall in love with me only to kick them to the curb. I won't hesitate to admit I'm afraid of commitment. Theo needs to be in love with me before any words leave my mouth. But waiting could take forever and it's killing me holding it in.

But I can wait.

I have to.

Theo's arms tighten around my naked shoulders. I feel his lips against my forehead. I love his lips. They're so soft, so comforting. I love him.

"Morning sweetheart," he mumbles in his raspy morning voice. I melt. Every second he gets hotter and hotter. Which only makes my love for him stronger.

"Morning babe," I say, kissing him gingerly, ignoring our foul morning breath.

A wide smile spreads across his face, I assume his mind is full of last nights memories. A smile enhances my features also.

"You were amazing," he whispers, kissing my temple, lightly squeezing my waist. I find myself blushing, not used to such compliments over such situations. "That was truly remarkable. I've never experienced something like that," he informs me.

"Me either." Truly, I never have. Something about being with Theo is different than every single guy before him. He knows exactly what to do. Somehow he knows exactly what I like, things I don't even know; at least didn't before last night. It fascinates me.

His hands travel lower groping my butt. I kiss him, wanting him all over again. Theo rolls over, flipping me onto my back and laying on top of me. I feel his little friend - not so little - near my entrance. I sigh before pushing him off of me.

"What is it?" He asks, lips red from kissing.

"Theo you know I love this, you know I love being with you. It was remarkable. It was special. But something as special as that can't be spoiled. It has to be saved, cherished, so it stays special. I want you just as much as you want me, but desire is what holds us together."

"I never thought you turning me down would be so hot," he says, sitting up and scratching his head. "But I want to be with you. If I can't have you every day, so what. I'll still have you, you'll still be mine, we'll still be us."

Can he stop being so perfect.

"I lo-," Theo's eyes flicker to mine and I stop myself.

"What was that?" He asks, eyes wide.

"I was just about to say I love that you understand," I smile sheepishly, averting his glance, hoping he doesn't catch my lie.

Jesus Haley, can't slip like that again.

"I love that you love that I understand," he says, kissing me tenderly.

We are interrupted by my phone ringing. Theo reaches over and pulls the phone off of the iHome, answering for me. Suddenly this terrible feelings washes over me as his brow furrows and eyes lose light. What if it's Colin? Oh no no no.

"Mhm, she's right here," he croaks before handing me the phone, not caring to look me in the eyes.

I bring the phone to my ear, not bothering to look at the caller ID. I already know it's Colin.

"Hey," I sigh. But the voice on the other end isn't Colin's. In fact, I don't recognize it at all.

"Hello Haley Jacobs, this is Bob Miller from New House Real Estate, calling on behalf of the apartment you looked at on Bunker Street."

I nearly laugh at my idiocy. Of course Colin won't be so stupid as to call me after that incident in the airport. Not even if I did kiss him back.

"Oh, hi," I say. It has been over a month since I've looked at apartments. This is the one I really wanted but someone beat me to it.

"Originally, another couple bought the place, but since yesterday it is back on the market. I remember you being very interested and I figured I should give you a call before offering it up to others."

The place was really amazing. But Theo, sitting so close to me distracts my thinking process.

"That's a lovely offer. I will have to think about it."

"The house will be up for grabs starting next Sunday," Bob informs me.

"Well I will call you this week and let you know my final decision."

"Sound great. The apartment really is suited for you." Could he be any more fake?

"Ok thanks. Bye."

I hang up and look at Theo. His face droops with sadness. Poor thing. He doesn't want me to leave.

"You're still looking for an apartment?"

"Not at all. I stopped looking a long time ago. This guy just called because the one I was going to get is on sale again."

"Look, if you want to go it's okay." By the look on his face, it's not okay. I cup his face in my hands, willing him to look me in the eyes.

"Theo, I'm not leaving. I promise. I'll call him tomorrow and let him know. I just couldn't deal with that fake ass bastard when you are sitting right in front of me."

"Promise?" He asks all puppy dog eyed and adorable.

I laugh at his cuteness. "I promise Theo."

Why would I ever want to leave the man I love?

Just a filler chapter, don't forget to comment and vote!


If you could only kiss one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

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