Chapter 12 - 'You!'

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Emilio's P.O.V

'Cat got your tongue?' I said cockily before chuckling

I saw her tense up almost immediately and I knew she recognised my voice. I mean, who wouldn't? It's the voice of a hot, sexy billion-

'You!' She spoke with irritation laced in her voice as she turned to face me and Jason's expression changed to confusion when he noticed me.

'Are you following me? You seem to be everywhere I am.' I questioned knowing that it would get her riled up. I watched as she shut her eyes and tried to control the anger that was basically coming out of her ears. When she opened them she spoke through gritted teeth.

'No. I was looking for Tia.' She said and looked at the girl in her arms.

'What? And she just happened to run in here did she. This is the posh side of town and I can see that you don't come from around this area.' I said and gestured towards her outfit. 'So the question is what were you doing passing by this high class area if it wasn't stalking me?'

'You're so full of yourself! I can't believe-'

'What were you doing, Sofia?' I stated firmly whilst still holding eye contact.

She looked taken aback for a moment before composing herself.

'We're looking for... something. In fact, you're wasting our time!' She said vaguely before letting the little girl in her arms stand on the floor. 'Come on, Ti. Let's go.'

'Pero, sissy. Esta frio afuera. Por qué no podemos vivir en casa nunca más' ('But, sissy. It's cold outside. Why can't we live at home anymore?') Tia whined in Spanish. Panic crossed Sofia's face before she relaxed. I guess it was because she thought I could understand what Tia just said. Well, technically I could but Sofia still didn't know that I could talk Spanish too.

Sofia crouched to Tia's level before she spoke. 'Bebé, sabes que no podemos volver a casa. No se preocupe, encontraremos un hotel. Lo prometo.' ('Baby, you know we can't go back home. Don't worry, we'll find a hotel. I promise.')

Hearing that made me fill up with guilt. So she was now homeless.. and it was kind of, a tiny bit, my fault.

I'm not a completely bad person so I do feel the rare emotion and this was one of those times. It's definitely because a small child was involved, especially a small child that looked so much like my niece. I couldn't care less about Sofia.

The little girl, Tia, nodded and reached her arms up to Sofia to be carried. I'm guessing that was a frequent sign to show that she wanted to be lifted up as Sofia immediately knew what to do.

'Look, I know you high class people probably can't relate but I'm really cut for time right now and it's stressing me out. So if you don't mind I'm going to get going.' Sofia said flicking her eyes from me to Jason.

But where's she going to go if she's homeless? It's not safe out there for her to be roaming the streets in the dark. I mean- for the child's sake.

Sighing, I gave up my pride and did the unthinkable. Offered to help.

'So you need a place to stay?' I said and crossed my arms over my chest whilst I watched her little mind freak out as she realised that I understood what she said to Tia.

'Wha- N- How?!' She spluttered out. I just laughed while Jason stood confused watching the scene unravel.

'Yo hablo español.' (I speak Spanish.') From the glint in my eyes she must be able to tell that I'm beyond gloating.

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