Chapter 11 - Hotel hunting

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Sofia's P.O.V

'Sorry, love.' The elderly woman behind the desk spoke.

'Every room?' I asked with a tincy bit of hope still left in me. This was now the 6th hotel we had tried to find a room at and, just like the others, no luck.

'I'm afraid so.'

'Okay, no worries. Thanks for your time.' I said as I turned and held Tia's hand once again.

'Good luck with your search.' The woman called as we began to walk away. I turned my head and gave her a small smile and continued walking out the door.

'Sissy, I'm cowld.' Tia said and shivered slightly.

'I know, baby girl.' Her tiny hand felt like a little cube of ice between my palm. 'Have this.' I said and took off my warm bear coat and put it over the top of Tia's puffy jacket. Immediately my skin pricked up in tiny little goose bumps and I began shivering but at least this way Tia won't be the one with a cold.

'Gracias.' ('Thank you.') Tia managed to say through chattered teeth.

We had started our search about 2 hours ago and it was now getting much darker and colder than before. We had been walking the streets in hope of finding a small motel or hotel we could bunk in for the night at a low price but all of those that I could find were booked up.

We walked in silence until we passed a fancy looking building and Tia slowed down to look inside. The building was predominantly made up of glass windows and you could see everything inside. Upon a quick glance I noticed that the women were all wearing some sort of posh dress whilst the men were wearing suits. The life of the rich. The revolving door situated at the centre of the building was spinning warm air out onto the freezing pathway. It just got far enough to hit us before it turned cold again in its surroundings.

'Come one, Tia. We need to get on. It's getting cold out here.' I said as I tugged on her hand a little but before I could register what was happening Tia had freed herself from my hand and had ran off through the revolving doors of the building.

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.

I watched from outside as Tia passed through a group of, presumably, businessmen and approached the sofa lounge.

There is no way she is going to be good and venture back out here on her own accord.

I sucked in a breath before walking through the doors wearing my ripped, black jeans and short sleeved, baggy top and, just as suspected, was immediately given disapproving glances.

Not everyone has money is what I wanted to scream in their faces but refrained myself from doing so.

As I made my way over to the sofa lounge I stopped when I heard 2 women giggling at, guess who. Me!

'If we stand here long enough we might just see her get dragged out of here by security. The licence says tramps can't enter.'

My head snapped over to the 2 of them and they began laughing even more.

'Looks like the poor thing doesn't own a hair brush either.' The second woman said and they both laughed. By this point my blood was boiling but I was trying my best to ignore it. I swear, if one more rude comment comes out of either one of their stupid mouths-

'Seriously though. What is that thing doing in here? Is she's looking for some dick to suck to pay off some bills because if she is-' The first woman began as she twirled her red hair around her boney finger. She didn't have time to finish as I had already stormed up to them and was standing in front of their faces.

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